Rota-Teller Masthead

December 2002

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

December 26, 2002


January 2 - Peter Morelli - NFL referee
January 9 - Another interesting program

It’s Thursday December 26, 2002 and the club is dark today. I’m told as today’s editor that my assignment is to get something in print in order that our USPS mailing permit is kept valid.

My first reaction was one of wondering just what would happen should we fail to publish a Rota-Teller for an issue or two. First of all we would preserve paper, save those hard working postal employees a little work during these busy Holiday times (they have done an excellent job given the time of year and the weather conditions), and allow the system to be tested. Do you really think our mailing permit would be canceled? I don’t for one minute. Heck, The USDA can’t even report accurate inventories of finished products; what makes one think that the Postal Service would miss one mailing?

My second reaction was to get moving and get the Rota-Teller out for today. After all I don’t want to go down in history as the person who caused The Petaluma Rotary Club to lose it’s USPS mailing permit. Nor would I want to pay a record fine to the club (I like my house). In reality there are so many things to say if one just stops and thinks awhile.

We should all feel very proud for helping those in our community during the year. One may never know how the influence on others lives may in turn make a difference in a person’s life.

We should all stop and reflect on those who for various reasons cannot spend this special time of year with their loved ones. We should also be thankful to all of those people who provide services on Christmas day in order that the majority of people can spend time with their loved one’s.

I could go on and on however now is not the time to put forth words that only fill spaces, nor is it the time to use fillers from other sources to put ink on paper. After all the Postal Service requirements should have been met, and I can be replaced .

In closing let me share a little story with you.

A mother asked her son if he would polish her shoes for Christmas Mass. He said “sure Mom”. For his efforts she gave him a quarter. As she went to put her shoes on Christmas morning she noticed a piece of paper stuck in one shoe. She removed the paper and inside was the quarter, written on the paper were the words: “Mommy I didn’t do this for money, I did it because I love you.”


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ralph Sartori.

Fine Can: Steve Lafranchi
Microphone: Gina Pittler
Visitors: Al Kaplan
Editor: Connie Heizer

Ralph said we should all feel very proud for helping those in our community during the year. These photos, taken at McKinley School during the recent dictionery distribution, illustrate this quite well. See you next year!

Carol Fullerton shows student how to use a dictionary.

Dictionaries at work.

Gardner Bride with happy dictionary recipient.

Harvey Freetly discusses dictionaries, Rotary, and whatever.

McKinley School third grade with their new dictionaries.

Onita Pellegrini inscribes a bookplate.

PDG John Strong personalizes student's new dictionary.

Sheila Bride helps with geography lesson.

December 19, 2002


December 26 - Club Dark - Merry Christmas!
January 2 - Peter Morelli - NFL referee

The Rotary Club of Petaluma extends its condolences to Betty Meers and to the family of RAY JOHNSON who passed away on December 19, 2002.

Ray joined Petaluma Rotary in 1965 and will be greatly missed.

A memorial service will be held Monday, December 23, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. at the United Church of Christ, 825 Middlefield Drive. Petaluma, California.

The family requests donations be made to Hospice or the American Cancer Society.

Gene Giorgetti serves French Dip with a flair.

The last meeting of 2002 hosted dozens of Interact members eager to see what really goes on at a Rotary meeting.

Barney Fauss maneuvers his bicycle built for two.

It began with songmaster BARNEY FAUSS warming up the large crowd with a special arrangement of Bicycle Built for Two featuring a women only refrain. Then Barney launched into God Bless America.

Larry Gotfredson speaks of pigs, singing, and help from the Lord.

LARRY GOTFREDSON continued the return to normalcy by warning of the futility of trying to teach a pig to sing. (We hope he was referring to Barney and not to the women’s chorus!) Finally, things were back to earth as Larry’s invocation asked, “Lord, help me take the next step.”

After HARVEY FREETLY introduced two visiting Rotarians, guests were introduced by WALLY BRAGDON (Paul Hunt, Vice Principal of Petaluma High School), TED ADKINS (Past President Ernie Jensen) and LOU STEINBERG (Superintendent of Schools, Greta Viguie).

Sunshine Report - HERB BUNDESEN advised that RAY JOHNSON is not faring very well in his bout with cancer. (See updated information above.) On a brighter note, PRESIDENT ED reported that MIKE MADICK is doing quite well after his recent surgery.

WHITNEY HALL announced the Christmas tree recycling program conducted by our Boy Scout troop. For a curbside pickup (on Sunday, December 29, Saturday, January 4, or Saturday, January 11) call 763-6775 by December 27. Be sure to specify a collection date and to leave your phone number and address. A $5 donation is requested; leave it under your doormat labeled “BSA Troop 8.”

JIM BECKER announced a super speaker for our next meeting on January 2. NFL official Peter Morelli (he officiated in February’s Super Bowl XXXVI) will be on hand to tell us what it’s really like.

RICK MOSSI introduced his Super Raffle team captains: JOE ALLEN, TOM BAKER, WALLY BRAGDON, HENRY HANSEL. KIP HERZOG, NANCY KOENITZER, RICARDO MARZO, JIM MICKELSON, GINA PITTLER and DAN REED. Rick reminded member to take advantage of holiday get-togethers (and alcohol?) to sell tickets.

President Ed thanks members for six months of accomplishments.

With the club year at the halfway point, PRESIDENT ED took the occasion to give some special kudos. He thanked GENE GIORGETTI and his Adobe Harvest crew for today’s great meals and the fine lunch they serve every week. Gene’s wife, Valerie, received a poinsettia from the Club.

Adobe Harvest kitchen crew gets recognition.

Valerie Giorgetti takes bow, receives poinsettia.

Then Ed thanked KATHY BURROUGHS and her team for the members’ Holiday Party. He thanked HARVEY FREETLY and LORETTA CATAROZOLI for last week’s gift event. Thirty-one Rotarians joined 44 less fortunate neighbors for a holiday dinner and gift presentations.

Harvey Freetly puts a dictionary to use.

PRESIDENT ED thanked HARVEY FREETLY for coordinating the distribution of 910 dictionaries in Petaluma and over 10,000 dictionaries throughout District 5130. (Visit Ed's Photo Album for photos of the dictionary distribution.) And he proudly noted that our club was seventh in the District in support of the polio eradication program and second in total Foundation giving!

An Interact guest won the raffle, pulling a blue rock for a $25 prize (in lieu of the normal bottle of wine). LORETTA CATAROZOLI and TAWNY TESCONI paid $5 fines for sitting at the birthday table while DON RAMATICI, JOE ALLEN, BANO CUMMINGS, JOHN SCHARER AND HERB BUNDESEN paid $10 for sitting elsewhere.

Art Lafranchi comes to a meeting, pays big bucks.

ART LAFRANCHI, making a rare visit to a club meeting, offered a $100 fine to the Club and another $100 to the polio campaign to celebrate three grandchildren born some time ago.

Ted Cruises the Caribbean, not Costco!

Although PRESIDENT ED accused him of “cruising for gals at Costco” TED ADKINS admitted to a Caribbean cruise and paid a $50 fine.

Babe Amaral smiles despite bruised eye.

BABE AMARAL was assessed a $50 fine for his selection as President-Elect-Elect.

Jim Mickelson recalls recent travels.

JIM MICKELSON was socked with a $100 fine after his recent trips (sailing through the British Virgin Islands, deer hunting in Idaho and attending a cattle show in Reno).

Herb Bundesen, Ron Harris, President Ed Fullerton.

JOHN DADO inducted our newest member, optometrist RON HARRIS, as sponsor HERB BUNDESEN and PRESIDENT ED looked on. Welcome, Ron!

Michael Aldes receives classy paperclip dispensr from President Ed.

BARNEY FAUSS introduced Michael Aldes, a successful freelance copywriter who captivated the Interact crowd with his personal experiences and his tips for obtaining college scholarships.

This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini. Next week's editor: Ralph Sartori.

December 12, 2002


December 17 - Luncheon meeting - Special Interact program
December 26 - Club Dark - Merry Christmas!
January 2 - Peter Morelli - NFL referee

Loretta Catarozoli and Brian Hoover double check their list.

Lou Steinberg's grandson, Nathan, wonders why Rich Poremba doesn't have a white beard.

The Children’s Holiday Party celebrated the true meaning of this season by bringing together Rotarians and families in need. This event is an annual opportunity for our Rotary Club to brighten a family’s smile when times are tough. The local connection of the participants, and the immediate impact of our efforts, makes the Party so near and dear to many Rotarians. The music and spirit of the Holidays was in full bloom at the Veterans Memorial Building on Thursday night. The room was decorated with Holiday motifs and was resplendent in the glow of the beautiful Christmas tree that JIM MICKELSON donated. The tables were centered by a poinsettia, which each family was invited to take as a keepsake of the night. They feasted on a delicious traditional meal of turkey, gravy and all the fixings. Thanks to GENE GEORGETTI and the wonderful staff at Adobe Harvest for making our stomachs so comfortable. BARNEY FAUSS led us in song with God Bless America and did Jingle Bells as an encore. Our visitors were able to see the camaraderie of Rotary as we followed Rotary custom and introduced each other.

Carol Fullerton visits with one of the hosted families.

Barney has help singing Jingle Bells. Note backdrop of beautilfully wrapped gifts.

LORETTA CATAROZOLI and HARVEY FREETLY put together a wonderful program and memorable evening for all of us to remember. BRIAN HOOVER was instrumental in finding the participants through The Salvation Army. BILL HARTMAN, LOU STEINBERG, and KAREN VAN BEBBER helped coordinate the gift-wrapping of dozens of presents with the assistance of the trustworthy elves from the Interact program at Petaluma High School. The gifts were collected by Rotarians, some spouses, and area Realtors that our very own, JEANNETTE CLARK, helped coordinate. Her tireless efforts on behalf of this program deserve our praise. The night hit its peak when the Interact Elves called on each child to come up and receive their presents. Our own Santa Claus, DAVE AMUNDSEN, offered his lap for the young ones to get a better look at Old St. Nick. The joy in each child’s eye could even get Scrooge’s heart to melt. One lucky family received the Christmas Tree, which Harvey transported in his truck.

The twinkle in Santa's eyes is outdone by an entranced child.

Santa's lap has room for three!

The Holidays are a special time of year. As Rotarians, we try to continue the spirit of giving beyond this season and make it a life commitment. We applaud all of those who worked long hours and donated precious time to make The Children’s Holiday Party a resounding success. The Party encapsulates the meaning of “good will to all”. May all your holidays be safe and joyful. Enjoy your families, friends and loved ones and remind them of their place in your heart.

Happy family with their load of gifts.

This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo.

Fine Can: Joe Allen
Microphone: Ricardo Marzo
Visitors: Gene Andrews
Editor: Mike Madick

December 5, 2002


December 12 - Children's Gifts and Dinner, 6:00 p.m. (Dark at lunch)
December 17 - Luncheon meeting - Special Interact program
December 26 - Club Dark - Merry Christmas!
January 2 - Peter Morelli - NFL referee

Photo by Gene Andrews

Nit Anderson and Nancy Koenitzer greet arriving guests.

Photo by Gene Andrews

A beautiful setting for a wonderful evening.

Ed and Carol Fullerton extend Season's Greetings.

Marlene and Harvey Freetly pose for pesty photographer.

Kathy O'Connor Burroughs coordinated another great party!

Twas the night before Saturday when all through the hall,
The Rotary Club of Petaluma held its annual Holiday Ball.
The wreaths were hung by the fireplace with care,
And the room looked quite festive to all who were there.

Our members were nestled all snug at the bar,
While visions of strong drinks gave rise to tips in the jar.
And BARNEY FAUSS with his scotch and RICARDO MARZO with his wine,
Had just settled at their tables for a dinner that was fine.

When up on the stage there arose such a clatter,
We sprang from our seats to see what was the matter.
To the front of the room our attention turned in a flash,
Then everyone grew quiet lest we all be fined cash.

The lights shining over the well worn stage,
Made it look like something out of a historical page.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a rather large fellow drinking a little Holiday cheer.
With a wry little smile and a stare we all dread,
We knew in a moment it must be President ED!

More rapid than American Airlines his courses they came, And he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
"Now HERB BUNDESEN lead us in a patriotic song,
And JIM McCAFFREY do the invocation to move this meeting along".
To the front of the stage, in front of the crowd,
LUCY SWEDA then sang Holiday classics nice and loud.

After thunderous applause, the Prez welcomed one and all,
Then the dining commenced throughout the great hall.
So at every table several entrees we ate,
With wine aplenty and a dessert that was great.

And then in a twinkling we heard on the mike,
The hemming and hawing and mumbling we like.
As we lifted our heads and were turning around,
Back on the stage came the Prez with a bound.

He was all dressed for business in his fine woolen suit,
And he tried to get our attention but no one gave a hoot.
An agenda for the meeting he had grasped in his hand,
And he looked like a conductor who had lost control of the band.

His eyes how they glared, his dimples how scary,
His cheeks were all tense, his nose lit like a cherry.
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And it was only a matter of time until he let us all know.

But this being the Holidays, he was a wise old sage,
And he had MIKE MADDICK quickly come to the stage.
Mike quieted the crowd so we could hear more,
And he proceeded to nominate our President elect-elect for 2004.

The nominee was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I heard in spite of myself.
But a wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave us to know we had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, but we all knew his voice,
BABE AMARAL will be a good president, he was an excellent choice.

That being said and the quiet being fleeting,
The Prez took the cue to close out the meeting.
So he thanked us all for giving him the chance,
And invited us to stay, to drink and to dance.

But I heard him exclaim ere he walked out of sight,
"Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night!"

Mike Madick congratulates new President-Elect-Elect Babe Amaral.

President-Elect Onita Pellegrini congratulates her successor.

Marilyn Herzog's look says it all.

Photo by Gene Andrews

Babe rises to adoring crowd; Mike Baddeley bows in obsequiousness.

Photo by Gene Andrews

Women flock to pay homage.

This week's Rota-Teller editor: Mike Baddeley (with apologies to Clement C. Moore); next week's editor: Ricardo Marzo.

Mike Baddeley diligently writing this issue of the Rota-Teller.


Fine Can: Joe Allen
Microphone: Ricardo Marzo
Visitors: Gene Andrews
Editor: Mike Madick

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