Rota-Teller Masthead

May 2005

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

May 26, 2005


June 2 - Joe Caldero - IRS official who admits to being related to Babe Amaral
June 9 - Jim Mickelson & Tawny Tesconi - History of Sonoma-Marin Fair
June 16 - Jim Carr - Petaluma Parks & Recreation; Past Presidents Day
June 23 - DARK
June 24 - Debunking, Petaluma Golf & Country Club
June 30 - DARK
July 7 - Leroy Bean's first meeting as President


The bell sounded at precisely 12:30 and PRESIDENT BABE, in a pastel purple shirt, brought the meeting to order. TED ADKINS led us in song with “God Bless America”.

RALPH SARTORI gave the invocation. He read a Memorial Day prayer and a history of the day.

The usual hugs and handshakes quickly followed. JEANNETTE CLARK introduced the only visiting Rotarian, Pamela Tuft, from the Valley Club. Vandals destroyed 12 commemorative bricks at the McNear Peninsula Project. Since Pamela is putting in a new order to replace them, anyone interested in purchasing a brick needs to let Pamela know ASAP. At this point JEANNETTE announced that her $5 worth of raffle tickets were missing.

Rotarians with guests were then introduced.

RALPH BETTINELLI was called on next. There was no story or fining. Everyone was in shock. The PREZ just wanted to thank RALPH for accepting an award on behalf of the Club from the Future Farmers of America at an event RALPH attended at the Elk’s Lodge.

MIKE BADDELEY let everyone know that the planning for the debunking of our beloved PRESIDENT was in full swing.

The District Conference last weekend in Rohnert Park produced 5 awards for our Club. The categories were international, community service, website, youth involvement and the centennial project. LARRY JONAS received an honoree award for his work in raising funds for the Tsunami Relief.

JEANNETTE had to confess that she had her missing raffle tickets all the time. Apparently she had more pockets than she thought. The PREZ then fined her $50 for her 3 week vacation in Hawaii.

It was time to sing “Happy Birthday” to the May Birthday Babies led by RICARDO MARZO.

The PRESIDENT called on GARY BRODIE to ask him about the $380 bill he received for replacing some tires on his vehicle. GARY wanted to be represented by counsel and quickly ran to ERIC GUNHEIM for representation. Stay tuned. This saga will continue at next week’s meeting.

TED ADKINS was up next to tell us about his trip to Mesa, Arizona and Palm Springs. TED was quick to point out what a good buddy he had in GERRY GILLESPIE. They met in Palm Springs and their experience away from home cost them $50 each.

JAMES GOTELLI moved into a new house and donated $100 towards his Paul Harris.

GRETA VIGUIE was on the Channel 2 news. One of Petaluma’s graduating seniors wants to wear his military uniform at graduation. GRETA pointed out that the focus of the day is graduation and he was welcomed to wear his uniform under his cap and gown. The school district’s position was also supported by military personal. GRETA was happy to donate $50 to the club for letting her speak.

FRED WULFF was on a cruise in the Caribbean and took a trip to Hawaii. That was a lot of time away from the Club which cost FRED $100.

HARVEY FREETLY was in last month’s Rotary Magazine for his work on the Dictionary Program. HARVEY was grateful to MR. RUSTAD for making it all happen. STEVE was then on the hook for $100 for the Rotary Foundation.

JUDI ALLEWELT lent her truck to a friend. The friend got in an accident, but of course fixed the damaged truck. JUDI felt it was bad luck and sold the truck. JUDI was also thrilled that her 16 year old daughter got a job at the new movie theaters. At least now she knows where she is for a few hours each day. JUDI also went on a trip to Greece and Turkey. All of this cost her only $25. I think the PREZ didn’t want to scare away one of our newest members.

CHRIS ALBERTSON and STEVE HOOD were each fined $50 for being in the Petaluma Magazine.

PRESIDENT BABE ended the fining session by quickly assigning $30 to GARY BRODIE for being late.

CHRIS ALBERTSON introduced Sue Farrin as our guest speaker. Sue wrote a book titled “The Fireman’s Wife”. It was a very moving rendition of her life and ended with a standing ovation.




This week's Rota-Teller editor: Loretta Catarozoli.

Next Week:
Set-Up: Nancy Koenitzer & Al Kaplan
Fine Can: Stan Lawson
Microphone: Joanne Ferris
Visitors: Ron Harris
Editor: Mike Baddeley


June 9:
Set-Up: Rick Mossi & Gene Andrerws
Fine Can: Steve Hood
Microphone: James Gotelli
Visitors: Gina Pittler
Editor: Lou Steinberg


May 19, 2005


May 26 - Sue Farrin - Author, Standup Commedian
May 26 - Walnut Park dedication, 5:30 p.m.
June 2 - IRS official who admits to being related to Babe Amaral
June 9 - Jim Mickelson & Tawny Tesconi - History of Sonoma-Marin Fair
June 16 - Jim Carr - Petaluma Parks & Recreation; Past Presidents Day
June 23 - DARK
June 24 - Debunking, Petaluma Golf & Country Club
June 30 - DARK
July 7 - Leroy Bean's first meeting as President


Today’s meeting was our annual sojourn to Herzog Hall where we joined other local service clubs for lunch. Organized by the Agriculture Committee of the Petaluma Chamber of Commerce and hosted by the Sonoma-Marin Fair, this event is always a pleasure.

Ralph Bettinelli, Dairy Princess Erin Levaroni, Whit Hall, Larry Gotfredson.

Michael White and Carrie Pierson.

Tawny Tesconi introduces local singer.

Our club seems to win the raffle every year. We did again this year (Thanks, RICK OBERLIN!) and that entitled our President to a very special opportunity. Since the theme of this year’s fair is “Say Cheese” and since some cheese comes from goats, PRESIDENT BABE got to milk “Tuna,” a very cooperative goat.

Cinching up the stool.

Tuna meets Babe.

Babe lends a hand.

PRESIDENT BABE, nattily attired in a milker’s outfit and sitting on a stool attached to his bottom, went right to work. He skillfully directed milk into the bucket — and wherever else he chose to aim it. People sitting near the stage or, in TAWNY TESCONI’s case, standing there were fair game for a squirt of fresh goat milk.

Babe does it with both hands.

Babe demonstrates his deadly aim.

The complimentary wines were excellent, the traditional grilled chicken was great, and the asparagus was succulent. Quite a meal — and quite a tribute to agriculture.

Fred Wulff, Alden Hennings, and Dick Weber.

Dr. Martina McGloughlin, Director of the Biotechnology Program at UC Davis, gave a very informative presentation on genetically modified crops. As this is a topic that we’ll be hearing more about in the coming months, it was a great opportunity to have a reasoned, scientific explanation of the subject.

This is our President?

Thanks to Dave Martinelli, Petaluma Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee, and TAWNY TESCONI and RALPH SARTORI, Sonoma-Marin Fair, for another superb event.




Click the image for more information.



This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini.

Next Week:
Set-Up: Gina Pittler & Steve Gavriloff
Fine Can: Bridget Doherty
Microphone: Dan Marsh
Visitors: Nancy Koenitzer
Editor: Loretta Catarozoli


June 2:
Set-Up: Nancy Koenitzer & Al Kaplan
Fine Can: Stan Lawson
Microphone: Joanne Ferris
Visitors: Ron Harris
Editor: Mike Baddeley


May 12, 2005


May 19 - Community Luncheon - Herzog Hall, Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds
May 26 - Sue Farrin - Author, Standup Commedian
May 26 - Walnut Park dedication, 5:30 p.m.


By the looks of the meeting room at 12:10 pm on Thursday, May 12 it would appear that there was a scheduling mix up. The room, which is usually buzzing with laughter, handshakes and clinking silverware was nearly empty except for our soon to be past PRESIDENT BABE checking his last minute meeting notes. Members slowly trickled in greeted by the Adobe Harvest staff and a perfectly prepared turkey luncheon waiting to be enjoyed.

Our benevolent leader called the meeting to a prompt order calling forth CAPTAIN KEITH SOLTS to lead us in song. We raised our voices singing "America the Beautiful”

and welcomed DR. DANIEL MARSH to pay forward kindness and make our world a better place in which to live. At which time the handshakes, hugs and kisses began.

LOU STEINBERG introduced our visiting Rotarians. Rotarians with guests included HEIDI KIBBE, her attorney Mike Tunic, NANCY KOENITZER, David Calageri and Greg Freitas, Linda Pizera. All of these Rotarians were fined $10.00 for mispronouncing their guest’s name.


RICHARD MARZO reported that the Argus Courier's upcoming "Salute to Rotary" will be published in July. The advertising deadline is June 30, 2005. This supplement to the Argus will report to the community about Rotary’s achievements. Contact Richard or the Argus, 776-8450 to reserve your advertising space.

JIM MICKELSON reported that we fed “just under 900 people" at last Thursday’s All Day Breakfast. The estimated profit is $8,000. Jim expressed heartfelt thanks to all who helped.

He recognized DICK WEBER for his donation of eggs for this past year and the past 49 years before that; CLOVER for the donation of milk, butter, and cream; and BILL DATOR for his donation of time, talent and equipment!

Soon to be President Elect TAWNY TESCONI invited all to attend the Sonoma-Marin Fair's Community Luncheon, next Thursday, May 19, 11:30 am at Herzog Hall. Tawny promised to include in the program soon-to-be Past PRESIDENT BABE in a costume. This should be fun! Remember our club is dark for this event.

A reminder: The Rotary District 5130 Centennial District Conference is this weekend, May 19-22 at the Doubletree Hotel in Rohnert Park. Golf, tennis, bowling, pistol shooting, miniature golf, as well as conferences. Fax inquiries to 829-2085.

PRESIDENT ELECT LEROY asked that all committee forms for next year be returned ASAP

PRESIDENT BABE wasted no time as he levied some of his final assessments. HERB BUNDESEN was recipient of a Lifetime Award from the Salvation Army. Always the gentleman, Herb graciously donated $100 to our club, stating he “gets nervous about awards like this." Thanks Herb!

MIKE "Barrister" BADDELEY who held court in the kitchen at last Thursday’s All Day Breakfast, didn't realize sausage cooking was under his jurisdiction. PRESIDENT BABE waved a zip lock evidence bag at the Barrister who offered $5 to the fine can for error of his ways. Where is the justice in that?

Turning just a bit from the fines, WALLY BRAGDON was called forward. Wally introduced Lee McCann, Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 8. Lee thanked our club for their support for Troop 8 which dates back 63 years. McCann presented certificates to Tom Knudson and Lauren Dooley, volunteers with Troop 8.

. . . Back to fines. MICHAEL WHITE was called upon to explain why he was serving only one pancake a last Thursday’s breakfast, Perhaps MICHAEL wasn't properly briefed by BARRISTER BADDELEY and the "runaway jury.” Michael’s humble apology and $20.00 was enough to allow the gavel to fall.

LOU STEINBERG was called upon and answered “Yes, President short-timer.” Lou and wife Julie recently hosted a wedding for daughter Melissa who will make her new home in England. Lou offered up $100 to the Foundation and I believe our President showed great restraint when he didn't levy an addition fine for the height joke!

NANCY KOENITZER was recently seen around Petaluma with her top down. Don't start rumors! Her top was down catching some rays in her new convertible. Before Nancy forked over $50 to the Foundation, she asked PRESIDENT BABE if he recognized the badge she was holding?

Could it be? Was Nancy the finder of the infamous missing badge? PRESIDENT BABE's eyebrow was at full attention until Nancy presented the badge to TAWNY TESCONI. MS. TAWNY reported that the badge would look great on the costume which President Babe will wear at the Community Luncheon, this Thursday, May 19, 11:30 am at Herzog Hall.

MICHAEL CARUANA introduced Michael Rand of Living Legacy Media Group who spoke about preserving our family history. The meeting was promptly adjourned at 1:30 pm.


NOTICE: President BABE has posted a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for last Thursday’s incident in the Vet’s parking lot. The factory rims on President BABE’s Chevy Tahoe were removed and replaced with custom Petite Portagee-Pink rims. Window graffiti included "Port-duh-gee." Report all information to Mr. McGoo’s.

For photos of the Chevy Tahoe and Babe's search for his wheels, click here.


May 5, 2005


May 12 - Michael Rand - Videographics (with Michael Caruana)
May 19 - Community Luncheon - Herzog Hall, Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds


We may have lost a few bodies to chips and salsa for Cinco de Mayo, but the All Day Breakfast was in full swing at the lunch hour when I arrived for my shift. The Vets hall was packed with people who look forward to this annual event. It’s a great meal for a great cause at a fair price. PRESIDENT BABE AMARAL was resplendent in his formal attire, greeting guests, shaking hands, kissing babies (and a few mommies). Of course things were a little different when he came back into the kitchen area to supervise our efforts. Any of you who have had the pleasure of seeing him at Rancho know he runs a tight ship. He made sure all stations were fully staffed and kept everyone smiling in the process. Breakfast Chairman, JIM MICKELSON, was busy cracking eggs by the crate full and keeping an eye on MIKE BADDELEY, who managed to burn a few batches of sausage in between his discourse on America and all that is wrong with our world.

PRESIDENT ELECT LEE BEAN hunkered down with the kitchen troops and help out in various departments. NANCY KOENITZER did a fabulous job with the pancakes and managed to return her apron clean as a whistle. She also alerted BABE that the servers were skimping on her hard work by only serving one pancake instead of the requisite two. MICHAEL WHITE quickly took the fall for the team and order was restored. JAMES GOTELLI, GARY BRODIE and RICK VAN BEBBER were among the other participants helping make this event a smashing success. Additionally, no one took a swig from the whiskey bottles hidden on the counter – but I can’t vouch for the morning crowd.

This is the primary fundraiser for the Children’s Holiday Gift Program that we do in conjunction with the Realtors Association. The program has grown exponentially over the years, highlighting the needs that so many area families face each holiday season. It is hard to think about December now, but when you think of the smiling face of a child opening up a present that otherwise would not be under the tree, you understand the importance of this project.

I returned later with my family for dinner and PRESIDENT BABE AMARAL was still there – smiling, shaking hands, and kissing babies. I grabbed my wife and tried to walk away from him, but he saw us and, I must say, he was a perfect gentleman. The evening crew was busy cooking for the dinner rush and cleaning up our mess. DAN LIBARLE, DON RAMATICI, KIP HERZOG, WALLY BRAGDON, KAREN VAN BEBBER, HARVEY FREETLY and ROY MUSICK were among the many hard workers. My meal was excellent and I didn’t have to leave a tip. I poked my head into the kitchen to say thanks and noticed the whiskey bottles were missing. No wonder that crew was smiling.

Congratulations to RALPH SARTORI and JIM MICKELSON on a wonderful job. The town looks forward to it, Rotarians look forward to it, and the children especially look forward to it. Thank you.

P.S. I am happy to report there were no fingers found in any meal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo by Babe Amaral



PRESIDENT ELECT LEROY BEAN needs your completed questionnaires right away. If you've lost yours, your can download a copy here.

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The District Conference is May 19-22 at the Doubletree Hotel in Rohnert Park. Click the balloon for more information.



This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo.

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