Rota-Teller Masthead

July 2006

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

July 27, 2006


August 3 - Rick Alexander - CDC AIDS Project in Africa
August 10 - Dr. Bill Wittich “Volunteer Management and Leadership”
August 12 - Rotary Foundation Seminar, Cotati
August 14 – Golf Tournament - Petaluma Golf & Country Club (evening meeting today)
August 17 – No meeting today; attend dinner on August 14

More info on upcoming programs    Club Calendar


Who’s got the ding dong? Who’s got the bell? That was the question as PRESIDENT TAWNY opened her third meeting, this time clanging a spoon on a cup.

STEVE RUSTAD was up next, leading a spirited rendition of America the Beautiful.

HEIDI KIBBE began her Thought for the Day with, “If I can’t be an inspiration, at least let me be a warning.” She described her eleven-year-old daughter’s impromptu plea for world peace and suggested that, in our dealings with children, we should exhibit love, calm and peace.

GEOFF ELLIS introduced our one visiting Rotarian.

Visiting from the Valley of the Moon Club in Oakmont, he announced their Jazzy BBQ Dinner, Friday, September 29 in Oakmont. Great food and music for only $37.50. Call 539-9649 or 538-4603 for more information.

Three Rotarians brought guests: ROY MUSICK (his wife, Linda), JIM McCAFFREY (his friend, Charlie, from Red Bluff) and CLARK ROSEN (Brent Blaustein).

JEANNETTE CLARK looked a little lonely sitting all by herself at the July birthday table. But her $5 fine purchased a personalized Happy Birthday song from the Club.

BRIDGET DOHERTY reminded members that time was running out to sign up for Rotary Night at the Ballpark on Friday, August 25. Travel to San Francisco on a luxury bus with food and drink, then watch the Giants play the Cincinnati Reds. All for just $50. Get your reservations and payment to Bridget 763-5665 by July 31.

GRETA VIGUIE read thank-you letters written by recently graduated high school seniors who received scholarships from our club this year.

CARRIE PIERSON announced the launching of an innovative membership drive. Just recommend folks for membership (for the nomination form click here), then sit back while others do the recruiting. Produce a member — win a prize. The more members, the bigger the prize. (How about a weekend in Carmel?)

When CARRIE observed that we need members from currently vacant classifications (such as advertising) our President called on . . .

           . . . STEVE RUSTAD who thought he was in advertising. Acknowledging that he must not be very good at it, he good-naturedly agreed to be fined $5.

LOU STEINBERG was up next to explain the Youth Exchange program. He observed that our Club needs people to (1) chair the committee; (2) host an exchange student from France this winter; and (3) coordinate a barbecue for all District 5130 exchange students.

Past President LEROY BEAN announced that the August 14 Golf Tournament was rapidly filling up. There’s room for one foursome remaining. But there’s lots of room for the great $30 prime rib dinner which replaces our usual Thursday luncheon. Be sure to let Lee know that you’ll be attending. (Think of it this way: If you don’t go, you’ll be charged $15 for missing the non-existent luncheon. If you go, you get a fabulous prime rib dinner for only $15 more! Bring your spouse or friend for a great night out.)

LEE then presented the Financial and Donations Report for the past Club year (2005-2006). This detailed report, a copy of which was distributed to each member in attendance, shows where the money came from and where it went. The bottom line is that we gave almost $100,000 to worthy causes this past year. Thanks, Lee, for the report. We hope it will become an annual tradition.

PRESIDENT TAWNY noted that she was pictured once (below the fold) in the recent Argus Courier Rotary insert — but that . . .

           . . . HARVEY FREETLY was shown three times. Blushing only slightly, the new District 5130 Literacy Chair, agreed to a $50 fine.

DAVE AMUNDSEN acknowledged receiving a $20 Best of Show award for his sculpture entry at the Sonoma Marin Fair. He also admitted to a trip to Atlanta where the two Georgia peaches he encountered “weren’t quite ripe.” This cost him $100.

PAT SCHAEFER won the raffle and walked off with a bottle of wine.

ROBERT MITCHELL introduced today’s speaker, . . .

           . . . his wife, Shirley Mitchell, a therapist, life coach and behavior specialist who spoke on the benefits of meditation.



The club has received an application for induction of the following new member:

  • Proposed Member: Brent Blaustein

  • Classification: Mortgage Loan Consulting

  • Membership Type: Active

If any member in good standing has an objection to this person, such objection should be made in writing to the club board of directors within 7 days of receipt of this notice.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini.

July 20, 2006


July 27 - Shirley Mitchell – Meditation and its positive impact on one’s entire quality of life
August 3 - Rick Alexander - CDC AIDS Project in Africa
August 10 - Dr. Bill Wittich “Volunteer Management and Leadership”
August 14 – Golf Tournament - Petaluma Golf & Country Club (evening meeting today)
August 17 – No meeting today; attend dinner on August 14


PRESIDENT TAWNY TESCONI called the meeting to order. There was no ringing of a Bell since our “Rotary Bell“ is still missing. PRESIDENT TAWNY did mention BABE AMARAL’s name, but that’s as far as it went. You see this was the official visit by District Governor Erna Stevenson and PRESIDENT TAWNY was going to make sure that the matter of the missing bell would be taken up at a later date and not be a distraction for today’s meeting. (Rumor has it that a Special Prosecutor may soon be appointed to solve the case. Could this be “BELLGATE”?)

PRESIDENT TAWNY then called upon RALPH SARTORI to lead us in song. We first sang, I’m a Rambler, I’m a Gambler which was followed by God Bless America.

STAN LAWSON gave a very inspiring Thought for the Day. We are so blessed by the smile of others. We should be able to look back at our life and give a smile for others to be blessed by.

A special visiting Rotarian — with her partner, George.

LORETTA CATAROZOLI introduced visiting Rotarians from the Novato and Alamo clubs.

Pinless Greg Freitas with Dale Knight and Onita Pellegrini.

PRESIDENT TAWNY then asked Greg Freitas (President of the Sunrise Club) why he was not introduced. Seems Greg did not fill out a visiting Rotarian card. PRESIDENT TAWNY said that as a club president he should know about the procedure of filling out visiting cards, and that having our District Governor present even made the matter more serious. Greg gladly paid a $5.00 fine.

The following Rotarians brought guests: ROY MUSICK, STAN LAWSON, and ED FULLERTON. Roy, Stan, and Ed all had their wives as guests.

JEANNETTE CLARK gave the Sunshine Report and informed the club that STEVE GAVRILOFF’s mother had recently passed away. Our prayers go out to the Gavriloff Family.

PRESIDENT TAWNY called upon the following people to give their reports:

LEROY BEAN reminded everyone of the Club’s Annual Golf Tournament, which is August 14. Call Leroy to enter or if you can help in any way.

LARRY JONAS reported on last Sunday’s BBQ. Attendance was down, but the event raised $1,000.00 that will go towards a Medical and Dental Clinic day in Mexico.

MARY ANN SHOEMAKER reminded everyone that the Club’s bus trip to the S.F.Giants game is on August 25th. PRESIDENT TAWNY said from looking over the list it’s worth the trip even if you don’t like baseball. Get your reservations in to MARY ANN as other clubs are being asked to attend.

Assistant District Governor Dale Ann Knight (from the Rohnert Park-Cotati club) told us about the “Festival of Brotherhood” event. Information can be found on the district web site.

PRESIDENT TAWNY called CARRIE PIERSON forward for the induction of two new members into our club.

District Governor Erna Stevenson, and PRESIDENT TAWNY assisted CARRIE in inducting . . .

           . . . RALPH HAYWARD . . .

           . . . and JOSEPH MOORE into our club.

PRESIDENT TAWNY then asked Past President BABE AMARAL to stand up and tell us why he was not wearing his Past Presidents pin, especially since our current District Governor was present. BABE tried to use the old “I took my wife’s car and the pin is in my car story.

LARRY JONAS stood up and reported that when he and Babe went to Japan Babe tried to blame Emily for not packing the right shirt. Larry said Babe should pay the fine and leave Emily out of it. Babe then said, “I see lots of other Past Presidents here, are they wearing their pins?” PRESIDENT TAWNY asked all Past Presidents to stand up. Those wearing their pins were allowed to sit down. Six remained standing and the fine was $10.00 each.

Erik Gunheim collects the fines.

KIP HERZOG suggested that the $10.00 was fine, but that BABE should be charged $60.00. PRESIDENT Tawny agreed.

PRESIDENT TAWNY questioned FRED FROST about his wife’s new car. Seems Old Fred Boy had custom taillights and window door knobs installed on the car. He also admitted traveling to Seattle and Texas. FRED agreed to a $50.00 fine.

MICHAEL WHITE was the last to be fined by PRESIDENT TAWNY. Seems Michael recently purchased a new motorcycle. He did not go into many details since Police Chief STEVE HOOD was all ears. Michael did say it was black and had a 1400cc engine. Michael gladly paid a $50.00 fine.

NORM SANTOS picked the right rock and walked away with $100.00 as the raffle winner. PRESIDENT TAWNY said “See you next week, Norm!”

Assistant Governor Dale Ann Knight then introduced . . .

           . . . District Governor Erna Stevenson who reminded us that the 2006 Rotary Theme is “LEAD THE WAY.”

We were reminded that we as Rotary Members could make a difference in the lives of so many people. Governor Erna then reminded us that there are so many people in this world who don’t have clean water to drink, or medical clinics to be treated at.

Governor Erna then told in detail of her childhood, and having to flee Russia and Eastern Germany. What it was like to lose your father, sister, and not know what tomorrow would bring. How they made it to the United States and were given an opportunity to “Lead The Way”.



This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ralph Sartori; photos by Ed Fullerton.

July 13, 2006


July 16 - International Committee Picnic, Two Rock
July 20 - District Governor Erna Stevenson visits
July 27 - Shirley Mitchell – Meditation and its positive impact on one’s entire quality of life
August 3 - Rick Alexander - CDC AIDS Project in Africa
August 10 - Dr. Bill Wittich “Volunteer Management and Leadership”
August 17 – DARK (Golf Tournament on 8/14)


With her bell still missing, Tawny clangs a dinner plate.

TAWNY’s second meeting started off . . .

           . . . with a song led by HERB BUNDESEN.

JUDI ALLEWELT gave us a thought for the day regarding the burning down of Rex Hardware and how much it is missed.

HARVEY FREETLY introduced two visiting Rotarians who are looking to transfer into the club: Chad Hardcastle from Hanford and Ralph Hayward from Novato.

Club members with guests included: JIM BECKER whose guest was Jennifer Swift, the Manager for Goodwill Stores which also recently was destroyed by fire. She is in need of a temporary retail site, needs between 5,000-10,000 sq ft.

MARY ANN SHOEMAKER brought Will Soper, a local CPA and graduate of Petaluma High. STEVE RUSTAD brought Michael Lowenstein. DON RAMATICI brought his grandson, Tal.

Remember the International Picnic this Sunday at the Coast Guard Base, July 16, 2006 from 11am to 4pm. Remember to bring your drivers license and insurance card in order to get on the base. For picnic photos, click here.

BRIDGET DOHERTY reminded everyone of the up coming SF Giants ballgame on August 25th. Contact Bridget for tickets and details — or click here.

LOU STEINBERG announced the need for a host for this year’s Youth Exchange Program, a young lady from France. You will need to host her from around November through the beginning of March. The club is also looking for someone to chair this committee. Contact either LOU or TAWNY.

GRETA VIGUIE read a letter from Scholarship recipient Dannielle Drews.

Remember next week the District Governor will be visiting the club and will be the program. Please no early leavers!

PRESIDENT TAWNY reported on the results of the club survey. If you would like to see what the club thinks, go to the club website.

JEANNETTE CLARK was fined $70 for looking so good on her 70th birthday. I think Kenton should have paid the fine. She celebrated with a family outing to Trinity Lake. (For STEVE RUSTAD's cartoon saluting this event, click here.)

Your editor and President-elect then was fined for his trip to France with his whole family and announced that his daughter will be giving him a new Grandson in November.

HERB BUNDESEN paid $20 for his viewing of Carol Channing and her short skirt . . .

           . . . as did JOANNE FERRIS.

Chief STEVE HOOD paid a $100 fine for going off to Camp Roberts for Reserve Camp but refused to talk about his vacation.

RAFFLE was won by Fire Chief CHRIS ALBERTSON.

Everything you ever wanted to know about RYLA was presented by your editor and President-elect . . .

           . . . and four of Petaluma’s finest students, Jeremy Day, Danielle Mooney, Rebecca Garcia and Connor Scifford. Lou played the CD the students created at camp showing all of the camp events, while the students answered questions about their experience.




The club has received an application for induction of the following new member:

  • Proposed Member: Ralph Hayward

  • Classification:Mutual Funds

  • Membership Type: Active

If any member in good standing has an objection to this person, such objection should be made in writing to the club board of directors within 7 days of receipt of this notice.



If you've missed the Debunking photos you can see them by clicking here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Lou Steinberg.

July 6, 2006


July 13 - Lou Steinberg and RYLA students reporting on a successful RYLA Week – CD & Video
July 16 - International Committee Picnic, Two Rock
July 20 - District Governor Erna Stevenson visits
July 27 - Shirley Mitchell – Speaking on Meditation and Its positive impact on one’s entire quality of life


The first meeting of the incoming President is always filled with mystery. Would there be barnyard animals roaming the floor? Would the members stand up and walk out on PRESIDENT TAWNY? Oh, the agony.

Luckily, the Club pranksters took it easy on our new President and just took away her props.

Undeterred, PRESIDENT TAWNY TESCONI opened up the meeting by asking STEVE RUSTAD to lead us in song. PAUL LOUNIBOS followed “God Bless America” and gave a great Thought for the Day.

JAMES GOTELLI introduced several visiting Rotarians. PAST PRESIDENT LEROY BEAN thanked the Club for his parting gift and a festive Debunking.

LARRY JONAS reminded us of the upcoming International Committee Picnic (Sunday, July 16 from 11-4 at Two Rock) and BRIDGET DOHERTY announced the Rotary Night at the Ballpark (Giants vs. Reds on August 25).

PRESIDENT TAWNY called up LOU STEINBERG to get “pinned” as PRESIDENT ELECT and then she introduced her Board Members. She told us that the Board has been working hard on revamping the Club’s structure and her focus this year will include fellowship, membership recruitment, increased communication, and helping Petaluma’s disadvantaged youth. Our leadership wants all members to get involved and help get re-acquainted with each other and the Club’s goals.

Once the pleasantries ended, PRESIDENT TAWNY got to her favorite part of the meeting - FINES. Things are definitely getting more expensive in 2006 because $50 was the smallest fine levied by our new President to the following members:

           . . . WHITNEY HALL, ONITA PELLEGRINI,  . . .

           . . . HENRY HANSEL, MICHAEL CARUANA (Congrats on receiving the Club’s Rotarian of the Year!),

           . . . LARRY JONAS and DOUG GARRISON, who announced he will be leaving us for Monterey where he will become President of Monterey Peninsula College. Thank you, Doug, for your friendship and your service.

PRESIDENT TAWNY then asked PAST PRESIDENT BABE AMARAL, GARY BRODIE, NANCY KOENITZER and this editor to explain the whereabouts of the missing props. NANCY and I watched the proceedings from afar, but BABE dug himself a nice hole and paid a $75 fine.

JOANNE FERRIS introduced our program — 20 Rotarians in 20 minutes. Each Rotarian spoke for one minute about his/her Rotary experience. They were funny, poignant, introspective and funny. Thank you to all the members who participated. This example of fellowship mixed with history and laughter is what PRESIDENT TAWNY spoke about earlier. More to come...



There are dozens more photos of this meeting. Click here to see them.


If you've missed the Debunking photos you can see them by clicking here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo.

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