Rota-Teller Masthead

July 2007

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

July 26, 2007



August 2 - Frank Falzon, retired San Francisco homicide detective
August 9 - Ken Nugent, Petaluma Museum
August 13 - Golf Tournament
August 16 - Club Dark
August 23 - Alexander Anolik: Preventive Legal Care for the Traveler
August 30 - Mike Bierman, Petaluma City Manager




PRESIDENT LOU opened today’s meeting with a ring of the bell and many members had to look up as PRESIDENT’S LOU’s voice was unrecognizable to many due to a sudden voice change (cold or allergies).

TED ADKINS was called forward. Ted announced that the 1st Team was called upon today to lead us in song. Before he could start someone said, "Maybe it’s the 1st Team but it’s the 3rd string." After a good laugh we all joined in singing “God Bless America”.

BRIAN BREEN gave the Thought for The Day. He gave an example of a fisherman in a small village (who enjoyed his family and friends) and was told how he might prosper to someday so that he could be successful only to move to a small village and enjoy family and life. It made us realize what’s really important in life.

OREST BALYTSKY introduced our visiting Rotarians from the Petaluma Valley and Mill Valley Rotary Clubs.

Our guests included Gene Giorgetti and Dr. L. Jane Saldana-Tally.

PRESIDENT LOU then welcomed the members of the club with July birthdays.

Only BARNEY FAUSS and JIM BECKER were at the birthday table. They got off for a mere $5.00 fine. MIKE BADDELEY, and STEVE GAVRILOFF paid $10.00 each for not sitting at the birthday table. PRESIDENT LOU then asked TED ADKINS to led the club in singing Happy Birthday to the group. Ted refused so BARNEY FAUSS led us in song.

Before announcements started PRESIDENT LOU fined CHRIS BLAKESLEE $10.00 for arriving late to the meeting.

Announcements: ROY MUSICK’s wife Linda is having a display of her photos for the public. Call Roy or Linda for date and place, 664-8403.

RON HARRIS announced that our Youth Exchange Student Grant Livingston has returned home from Brazil. Ron and Grant will address the club about the Youth Exchange Program at a future meeting.

JOHN DADO reported on the history of the golf tournament. The tournament is over 50 years old and was originally sponsored by the Lions and Rotary Clubs. It was a big event in town and our former member Jules Fisher prepared a delicious prime rib dinner. Over the years our Rotary Club has sponsored the event. This year’s tournament is August 13th and PAUL RAMATICI will be preparing the traditional prime rib dinner. All members are welcome to golf or just come for dinner. If you can help please contact ONITA PELLEGRINI 762-2785.

PRESIDENT LOU then showed that even though his voice was shaky he had not lost his ability to fine members. First called upon was CHAD HARDCASTLE. Chad announced that he recently got married and enjoyed a great honeymoon. Congratulations Chad!

ERIK GUNHEIM was next called upon. Seems Erik’s son was recently featured in a Rotary photo. Erik in typical attorney fashion got . . .

. . . ROBERT MITCHELL, . . .

. . . JOSEPH MOORE, . . . .

. . . MICHAEL CARUANA, and MICHAEL WHITE involved in the discussion and tried to change the focus from his son to the above. In the end PRESIDENT LOU made sure all paid a fine.

PRESIDENT LOU called upon JIM BECKER. Seems Jim had been out of the country on vacation. Jim explained that he enjoyed a recent trip to Peru. He also pointed out to BABE AMARAL where Peru was. Babe responded by reminding Jim that if today’s Stock Market Decline reflected his return maybe he should have stayed in Peru. Jim went on to say that he had to stay an extra day due to fire and rocks on the airfield. Although as Jim explained it was “A Trip From Hell Leaving The Country” he gladly paid a fine.

Lou got a llama from Jim.

BARNEY FAUSS remarked that having Jim recap his vacation probably explained why none of the birthday people were at the table with him and Jim.

ROBERT MITCHELL had the winning raffle ticket and took home a bottle of wine.

JOSEPH MOORE introduced our Guest Speaker, . . .

. . . Dick Spotswood, politics and government columnist with the Marin Independent Journal. Mr. Spotswood spoke about the Politics in Marin and Sonoma Counties. He reviewed many topics such as Housing, Water, and Transportation. His remarks were most interesting and very informative. Both counties are nice places but very independent of each other.



This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ralph Sartori.

July 19, 2007



July 26 - Dick Spotswood, politics and government columnist for the Marin Independent Journal
August 2 - Frank Falzon, retired San Francisco homicide detective




The bell is back!

New Prez LOU "Who Are You?" STEINBERG opened (the meeting), . . .

. . . BARNEY "Not in My" FAUSS sang (Rambler/Gambler & God Bless America), . . .

. . . MIKE "Quite" WHITE delivered (Thought for the Day), and the Members greeted (each other).

SHERRY ANN "Anna One, Anna Two" SCHEROTTER-BURWEN introduced (Visiting Rotarians), including our District Governor Ken Moulton, the District Governor Partner Pam Moulton, and the Assistant District Governor Dale Knight), and the Prez welcomed and acknowledged (all of our guests).

Past-Prez JOHN "Ditto" DADO announced (1. Upcoming Annual Golf Tourney on 8/13 @ PGCC, and 2. SRJC Petaluma Campus walking tours starting 8/2), . . .

Greta likes Wally's Palm Pilot.

. . . District Governor Ken awarded (New Membership Sponsor pins to GRETA "Go That" VIGUE and MARY ANN "Mu" SHOEMAKER, and . . .

. . . a Quiet Member pin to DAN "Ou Est Tu" LIBARLE), and Secretary STEVE "Oh!" OLMSTED reminded (the next Sonoma County Rotary Club Association dinner meeting is 7/26/07—call Steve if you'd like to attend).

The Prez then invited (all members to celebrate the charter night event of the new Rotary Club of Rancho Cotati), . . .

. . . auctioned (2 Sonoma County horse racing tickets, donated by STEVE "Horse feathers" HENRIS and sold to Past-President TED "Whoa, Nelly" ADKINS for $150), and then fined: . . .

. . . DR. ROY "Elevator" MUSICK for a most excellent European adventure and twin grandsons ($100 to the Club, $100 to the local Foundation and $100 to the John Ramatici Scholarship Fund); . . .

. . . AL "El Capitan" KAPLAN for navigating the high seas between here, Canada and Australia and then selling his boat ($250); and, in a classic unclear on the concept moment, . . .

. . . himself, for his new grandson ($100 to the local Foundation).

Past President MIKE "Sobriquet" BADDELEY won (the raffle-wine), . . .

. . . Assistant District Governor Dale Knight presented (District Governor Ken Moulton and his entourage), and . . .

. . . the District Governor recognized (many of our Members for their good deeds), inspired (with real life stories and examples of all the good Rotary does throughout the world) and challenged (all of us to make a difference). The Prez thanked (the District Governor for all his efforts), donated (a book to the PHS Library in the District Governor's name), and adjourned (the meeting).



This week's Rota-Teller editor: Mike Baddeley.

July 12, 2007




July 19 - District Governor Ken Moulton visits
July 26 - Dick Spotswood, politics and government columnist for the Marin Independent Journal
August 2 - Frank Falzon, retired San Francisco homicide detective




In a side room of the Vets Building Lou meticulously prepares for his first meeting.

Right away we knew things would be different in the Steinberg regime.

STEVE RUSTAD and PRESIDENT LOU look for missing equipment.

Even though his gavel, bell, and microphone had vanished, our well-prepared PRESIDENT LOU used a whistle to open his first meeting as President. He was off to a good start as evidenced by a large crowd and a standing ovation.

After HERB BUNDESEN led us in God Bless America, something strange happened.

Our President was surprised and pleased at the arrival of our very own Kosher Quintet. BRENT BLAUSTEIN, CLARK ROSEN, RON HARRIS, GRETA VIGUIE, and LARRY JONAS led the crowd in a stirring Hava Nagila. If you have a broadband connection and want to see and hear how others perform this celebratory Hebrew song, click these YouTube links:

     Violinst Andre Rieu and a full orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall.

     Lyrics and dancing at the Ministry of Times Square Church in Jerusalem.

     Bart's Simpson's Chair Dance.

When the clapping, singing, and stomping ended DAVE AMUNDSEN arrived at the podium with his Thought for the Day. He noted that LOU appeared "disheveled" and prayed that the Lord would give special help and guidance to our President.

JOANNE FERRIS introduced our one visiting Rotarian, Ann from Santa Rosa.

Four Rotarians brought guests to Lou's inaugural meeting: ROY MUSICK (his wife, Linda), ERIK GUNHEIM (our speaker — and former member — Bill Hartman), JERRY GILLESPIE (MIKE BADDELEY's aunt!), and FRED FROST (his wife, also Linda).

PRESIDENT LOU recognized July anniversaries: MARY ANN SHOEMAKER, JAY PALM, CLARK ROSEN, JAMES BURLESON, and BRIAN BREEN. He also announced that Rotary's Sonoma County Assocation Dinner would be held at Dutton Ranch (on Graton Road in Sebastopol) on Thursday, July 26. Contact LOU or STEVE OLMSTED if you are interested.

In other Rotary news, we have a new Rotary Club in the area. The Rotary Club of Rancho Cotati was chartered on May 14 with 43 members. They'll be celebrating at a Charter Night dinner on Saturday, July 21 with Cliff Dochterman as the featured speaker. RSVP by July 13. Contact LOU for more info.

Still more Rotary news: Our new District Governor Ken Moulton (from the Healdsburg Club) will be visiting next Thursday. Be sure to attend — and don't even think of being an early leaver!

JOHN DADO announced that the Petaluma Campus of Santa Rosa Junior College would be conducting walking tours of their construction site. Tours will be August 2 at 8am and August 14 at 4pm. Just meet at the Blackwill Clock Tower to start the tour.

JOHN also reminded members of the annual Golf Tournament, to be held Monday, August 13 at Petaluma Golf and Country Club. Click here for more information and a sign-up form.

RON HARRIS reminded members that we are still looking for a host family (March-June 2008) for our Brazilian exchange student. Contact Ron or click here for more info.

Former Rotarian DAVID SOLO gets his Chicken Badge.

PRESIDENT LOU presented badges to our newest members, WILL SOPER and DAVID SOLO, who were inducted at the Debunking.

It was time for fines and PRESIDENT LOU started with MICHAEL CARUANA. It seems that not only had MICHAEL recently returned from a trip to Spain, France, and England, but that he was the proud uncle, father, or whatever of a brand new foal. This cost him $50.

NIT ANDERSON was up next. PRESIDENT LOU noted that Sunday's Press Democrat had a rave Jeff Cox review of her new restaurant, Banyan Tree. Nit observed that business has been booming since the review and offered a $60 contribution to the fine can. (If you want to see how Hava Nagila is sung in Thailand, click here for another YouTube clip.)

DON RAMATICI and DAN LIBARLE were fined $20 each for their Trailblazers excursion to Mount Shasta. It seems that maybe DON should stick to horses as we learned that he recently totaled his car on Highway 101. Fortunately he seems to have great insurance as his claim was settled in full two days after the accident!

STEVE HENRIS won the raffle and a bottle of wine.

Program Chair ERIK GUNHEIM was next. He complimented president LOU on his new "Dump the Chump" policy. This policy requires preemptory replacement of planned speakers who don't meet Club standards. So the scheduled Bill Hartman talk on selling Amway products was yanked and replaced by a conjurer.

Ken Garr of the Mostly Magic Shop on D Street in Santa Rosa captivated the crowd and utilized many of them as participants with his outstanding illusions.

It's two thumbs up from PRESIDENT LOU.

NIT flourishes the magic wand.

CLARK and BANO and their multiplying balls.


For lots more photos of today's meeting, click here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini; photos by Steve Rustad and Al Cattalini.


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