Rota-Teller Masthead

March 2008

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

March 27, 2008



April 3 - Steve Bolman (with Greta Viguie) - Fiscal crisis in local education
April 10 - Will Baty - The Mahoney Library on the Petaluma Campus of SRJC
April 17 - Mark Reischling - NCAA basketball officiating
April 24 - Gary Alt - Polar bears




The bell sounded at precisely 12:30 and PRESIDENT LOU brought the meeting to order.

ANDY KVALHEIM led us in song with a very serious “God Bless America”.

ED FULLERTON did a great job as a last minute fill in for the “Thought for the Day.” He had us thinking with “Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” The crowd agreed and gave him a big applause.

The usual hugs and handshakes quickly followed. SHERRY BURWEN introduced the visiting Rotarians. The Rotarians with guests were then introduced.

PRESIDENT LOU looked over at the birthday table. JAMES GOTELLI was all by himself. The only other birthday boy in the room was RALPH SARTORI. It was quite appropriate that the PREZ fined RALPH $10 for not being at the birthday table, but also assigned him another $5 for JAMES.

Sherry remembers the big birthday.

We almost forgot a very important birthday in March. The Club was formed on March 30th, 1923. Happy 85th Birthday, Rotary Club of Petaluma!

Dave's not sure about the date.


PRESIDENT LOU reminded everyone to sign up for the District Assembly and the District Conference. Sign up sheets are on line.

Bridget touts today's Happy Hour.

PRESIDENT LOU called on RON HARRIS next to remind us that the All Day Breakfast is on May 1st. The PREZ reminded everyone to try and sell tickets to the businesses in town. It’s a great meal for only $8.00.

It was time for PRESIDENT LOU to get some cash for the Club by scanning the room for some faces he hadn’t seen for awhile. AL CATTALINI was the PREZ’s first target. It seems AL was visiting the beaches of Pakistan. That’s an odd destination for a vacation. AL quickly mentioned that he was working as a maritime advisor. While he was gone, all sorts of stuff happened. It was sad story, so MICHAEL NISTLER volunteered to pay the Club $20 for AL.

There was a handsome young man in the audience by the name of MARCUS ??? The PREZ couldn’t remember the last name since he hadn’t seen him for so long. PRESIDENT LOU wasn’t having any luck on good stories. MARCUS had a two week bout with the flu — fever and all. He also has been working very hard. MARCUS (BENEDETTI) donated $50 to the cause.

MARK STOKES was up next for a promotion and a new territory to make things more exciting in the insurance world. That good fortune cost him $50.

JAY PALM was the lucky winner of the raffle and walked away with a bottle of wine.

JIM BECKER introduced our guest speakers, Tom Corbett and Jan Mondrell. They informed us of all the exciting activities scheduled around town in the upcoming months to celebrate Petaluma’s Sesquicentennial. To check out all the fun, go to

Before the meeting was adjourned, PRESIDENT LOU produced a Chicken Badge. It was found next to the cookies. The badge belonged to our very own Cookie Monster, . . .

. . . HERB BUNDESEN. It looked like RALPH SARTORI was trying to redeem himself for leaving JAMES alone at the birthday table by volunteering to pay the $5 for HERB to get his badge back.


For photos of today's Happy Hour, click here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Loretta Catarozoli.

March 20, 2008



March 27 - Tom Corbett - Petaluma's sesquicentennial
March 27 - Happy Hour - 5-7pm, at Traxx
April 3 - Steve Bolman (with Greta Viguie) - Fiscal crisis in local education
April 10 - Will Baty - The Mahoney Library on the Petaluma Campus of SRJC.




Our esteemed PRESIDENT LOU STEINBERG called the meeting to order . . .

. . . and brought up TED ATKINS to lead us in glorious song.

MICHAEL CARUANA followed with his thought for the day.


The announcements were made as follows:

Everyone was reminded to fill out their District Assembly registrations by 3/28 if they are going to be attending

STEVE HENRIS has the forms for the conference in May that is going to be held in San Francisco. Rotarians are encouraged to attend.

JAMES GOTELLI announced that their will be a Rotary Happy Hour 5-7pm, Thursday, March 27 at Traxx. Free drinks to the first 20 that arrive. They’ll be lining up early.

Several Rotarians brought guests including our exchange student from Brazil making a return appearance.

Pedro Moraes, our Rotary Exchange Student from Brazil.

Geezer? I am not a geezer!

President Lou hadn’t received any calls for fining and so the members were put to the 4 way test to fine themselves.

Carol Fullerton turned in ED for twin grandchildren on the way.

KIP HERZOG paid $20 for his lovely wife’s appearance in the newspaper. He had no idea why she was there.

JAMES GOTELLI stood up and paid $50 in hush money so that he did not have to reveal his activities in Costa Rica

TOM BRANDAL was dinged for $20.

There's a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow!

The raffle trough was at $125 and MARY ANN SHOEMAKER pulled the brown rock and collected the cash.

Ed Fullerton introduces the program.

The program was a very interesting one about a program that will be running locally called Challenge Day. It basically challenges local teens to break down the artificial barriers that separate them and come together as a community. If you desire more information on the program, it can be found at

With that, the President ended the meeting.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Geoff Ellis; photos by Michael Caruana.

March 13, 2008



March 20 - Travis White - Challenge Day, an innovative youth development program
March 27 - Tom Corbett - Petaluma's sesquicentennial
April 3 - Steve Bolman (with Greta Viguie) - Fiscal crisis in local education
April 10 - Will Baty - The Mahoney Library on the Petaluma Campus of SRJC.




The day started at the Club's watering hole with Roop, a visiting Rotarian from Canada.

President Lou rang the bell and called Ted to lead us in song.

The Irish spirit was in the air as members sat down to a traditional corned beef and cabbage lunch. As usual, Adobe Harvest did a great job. PRESIDENT LOU STEINBERG called the meeting to order . . .

Ted rose to the challenge and led us in song.

. . . and TED ADKINS revved-up the crowd with “God Bless America”.

Erik was asked to give a thought for the day and talked about gullible people.

ERIK GUNHEIM was a last minute replacement for the Thought of the Day and he did a marvelous job of working members’ quadriceps.

And there were many in attendance willing to stand and sit like so many Pavlovian dogs.

He also gave some insights into the political process and warned us not to believe everything a politician says. What a revelation!

The usual handshakes and finger pointing followed.

Tawny points out Leland Fishman as a visitor to our Club.

The guys in ties were looking sharp.

Nancy had her husband as her guest.

Al had a guest.

Bano introduced Kathy Lawrence.

Ed showed off some of his kin.

Fred brought his wife Helen as his guest.

The room was filled with several visiting Rotarians (including one member from British Columbia) and guests, including the recently married Bob Cooley Koenitzer.

Ralph told us about his time at PETS.

PRESIDENT ELECT RALPH SARTORI gave the club an update on recently concluded President Elect Training Seminar in San Jose - his head is still spinning with all the Rotary information. The District Assembly will be held in Ukiah on April 11 & 12. This is a great opportunity for ALL members to meet fellow Rotarians from our district and learn about all the programs the district clubs offer.

Ed had an announcement.

In addition, our very own PAST PRESIDENT ED FULLERTON will be announced as the upcoming District Governor, but the actual installation will occur at the District Conference in San Francisco in May. Congratulations Ed! Call PRESIDENT LOU and book your reservations now.

Ricardo was fined five bucks for not standing when addressing President Lou.

The fine can was overflowing with cash after several members stepped forward with recent events and accomplishments (including your editor who was fined for not standing up – my legs were too sore after Eric’s chair exercises).

Dan was fined, too.

DAN LIBARLE paid $100 for his recent inclusion to the Exchange Bank Board of Directors. When PRESIDENT LOU reminded him that the bank structure doesn’t allow for a sale, Dan promptly asked for money back and to be taken off the board.

Leroy was fined.

PAST PRESIDENT LEROY BEAN also paid $100 to the club for his recent trip back to South Dakota where he was honored for his past architectural accomplishments and continued involvement in a bank building expansion. CARRIE PIERSON won the raffle and took home a bottle of wine.

Nancy contributed to the fine can.

NANCY KOENITZER COOLEY announced her recent marriage and gladly paid $100. Congratulations Nancy!!!!!!!!!!!

Erik introduced our speaker.

ERIK GUNHEIM introduced . . .

Dr. David Ainley was our speaker on climate change and penguins.

. . . our speaker, David Ainley, who gave a wonderful presentation on the realities of global climate changes and the effects on the Antarctic penguin (Adelie) population. With a wealth of scientific information, David demonstrated the changes in wind and ice patterns that are forcing the penguins to move to other parts of Antarctica. This will also hold true for humans who will need to adapt to changing weather patterns and rising sea levels. It was very informative and we are thankful for David’s time and effort. There will be a special presentation on the Animal Planet on March 23rd of the work and research being conducted by David and his colleagues in Antarctica. Thank you. [Note: If you really want to whet your appetites for the penguin program, click on the following link to see a preview of the film showing what David Ainley and his team have been doing in Antarctica: "

Ming-roosterdogs! (Not really, but this image would have jazzed up Dr. Ainley's slide presentation.

God Bless to all and healthy wishes to President Lou.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo; photos and captions by Erik Gunheim.

March 6, 2008



March 13 - An interesting program, maybe about penguins
March 20 - Another interesting program
March 27 - Tom Corbett - Petaluma's sesquicentennial
April 3 - Steve Bolman (with Greta Viguie) - Fiscal crisis in local education
April 10 - Will Baty - The Mahoney Library on the Petaluma Campus of SRJC.




Today’s meeting was called to order by PRESIDENT LOU with the ring of the Rotary Bell. After getting everyone’s attention ANDY KVALHEIM was called to come forward and led us in song. Andy selected O Beautiful for Spacious Skies as our song for the day.

The Thought for the Day was given by MICHAEL CARUANA. Michael talked about listening and tolerance and how all peoples of all nations need to get along. We must all remember several roads can lead to the same destination.


Barney comments on his April Fool honeymoon.

Those Rotarians with March anniversaries were announced and reminded that they better not forget to get something special for their loved one.

PRESIDENT LOU reminded every that they were invited to attend the District Conference in San Francisco on May 16-18. Our own club member ED FULLERTON will be installed as District Governor at the Conference and it would be good if large numbers and their spouses attended.

Ralph and his board are going to Ukiah. You can too!

The District Assembly will be in Ukiah on Friday evening April 11 and Saturday April 12. Let STEVE OLMSTED know if you can attend. The clubs will pickup your hotel room.

The next Sonoma County Association of Rotary Clubs meeting will be sponsored by the Rohnert Park/Cotati Club on Thursday, March 27. Let STEVE OLMSTED know if you plan on going.

PRESIDENT LOU reported that there have been several rumors going on about his health, and wanted the club to know that he has not been feeling well and will be starting treatments this Friday. His doctors are confident he will be fine and his sprits are high. Please keep PRESIDENT LOU and Julie in your thoughts and prayers.

Next on the agenda was PRESIDENTS LOU’s fining of members for trips taken. His list was long and included SHERRY BURWEN – (Florida), GALE CARDAROPOLI - (trip to her son’s house to party), . . .

. . . AL CATTALINI – (Palm Desert), STEVE POWELL – (Reno and New York), JANE SALDAÑA-TALLEY – (Phoenix to Santa Rosa and finally to Petaluma with a real bed and furnishings), . . .

. . . DAVE AMUNDSEN- (Hawaii), and ANDY KVALHEIM – (Marshall, CA. in his new vehicle purchased from HENRY HANSEL).

The raffle was won by ALDEN HENNINGS who left the $$ in the bag and took the wine.

CLARK ROSEN introduced our guest speaker . . .

. . . Bill Roop who spoke on Mission Santa Rosa de Lima. We were told of how many fabricated stories floated about relating to the mission. Bill went through the history and showed several pictures of the site. In his opinion the site was planned as the northernmost mission in California. However the original Indians left the site and no one knows for sure why the mission was never completed. After several questions RALPH SARTORI said that there was a theory the Indians left the site and never completed the mission because they got tired of waiting for the General Plan to be approved. With this PRESIDENT LOU adjourned the meeting.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ralph Sartori.


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