Rota-Teller Masthead

July 2008

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

July 31, 2008



August 7 - Meeting in Vets Patio Area - Internal stories from the past by Rotary members.
August 14 - Joe Calveraro - The IRS and You
August 18 - Golf Tournament
August 21 - Dark due to Golf Tournament
August 28 - Gene Harlyn, D.V.M. - Large and Small Animal Issues



We'll add the text when it arrives.



This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo.

July 24, 2008



July 31 - Rich Thomas - New Product Developments in the Cardiovascular and Endovascular Fields
August 7 - Meeting in Vets Patio Area - Internal stories from the past by Rotary members.
August 14 - Joe Calveraro - The IRS and You
August 18 - Golf Tournament
August 21 - Dark due to Golf Tournament
August 28 - Gene Harlyn, D.V.M. - Large and Small Animal Issues



PRESIDENT RALPH SARTORI started off the meeting with his new tradition of saying the “Pledge of Allegiance” (great idea) before asking . . .

                      . . . BARNEY FAUSS to lead us in song.

TED ADKINS gave us the thought for the day and reminded us the “the ladder of success is never crowded at the top”.

We received a beautiful banner from a fellow Rotarian, Trevor, from Winton, New Zealand and we reciprocated with our own beautiful chicken banner.

The sunshine report brought good news that JOHN DADO is recuperating well and ready to attend the Sonoma County Fair Races.

ROBERT MITCHELL recapped the 1st Annual Equestrian Festival. The event was well attended and the organizers were pleased with the future potential of the event. Congratulations to all those who helped and attended the event.

TOM BRANDAL (is it President Elect or Nominee?) encouraged the crowd to sign up for the upcoming Golf Tournament on August 18 – play, sponsor a hole, come for dinner or all of the above.

DAVID SOLO announced the latest Paul Harris Fellows – JOSEPH MOORE and PAUL LOUNIBOS (for the third time!!!!!!!!!!!!). Congratulations to these gentlemen for their strong support – David, we’ll teach you how to pronounce Paul’s last name at the next meeting.

PAUL also took some heat for winning a case of brandy at a recent Swiss Club event. Although he doesn’t drink, it still didn’t stop PRESIDENT RALPH from taking some cash from a fellow Swiss (even though Paul is from the “smart” side of the mountains).

PAST PRESIDENT LOU STEINBERG read a nice letter of thanks from the Santa Rosa JC for our support.

EDITOR EXTRORDINAIRE AL CATTALINI was fined for his recent travels to Honduras, Guatemala, Belize and El Salvador, but he did present PRESIDENT RALPH with a bottle of beer that had our chicken badge on the label. Nice touch, Al, too bad the bottle was empty.

KIP HERZOG was spared another fine, even after calling our beloved PRESIDENT RALPH “Mussolini”. There was a smattering of applause after this exchange and PRESIDENT RALPH promised to be less dictatorial. Good Luck.

BABE AMARAL is still in charge of finding PRESIDENT RALPH’S blazer. More good luck.

GRETA VIGUIE was fined for arriving late for a meeting. She vigorously defended herself and said it was better to be late than not arrive at all. Spoken like the professional educator that she is.

Our guest speaker was Nizza Sequeira from the Marin Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District who gave a very informative presentation on the efforts of this office to help improve the quality of our lives. Thank you, Nizza.

God Bless.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo.

July 17, 2008



July 24 - Nizza Sequeira, Marin-Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District, "What you should know about Mosquitos and Vectors".
July 31 - Another interesting program



PRESIDENT RALPH “back from jail” SARTORI opened the meeting.

TED ATKINS led us in song.

DAVE AMUNDSEN gave the Thought for the Day. There were no visiting Rotarians. Rotarians with guests included ONITA PELLEGRINI (Bridget Goldman) and BABE AMARAL (Alan Brody).

Also attending was Duane Sartori, brother of our President, who brought along Nate, a parolee from the county jail.

The Sunshine Report told us that Treasurer JOHN DADO is recovering from knee surgery


ROBERT MITCHELL reminded everyone of the Art & Equestrian Festival this weekend on Lakeville Highway behind Sleepy Hollow Dairy.

President-Elect TOM BRANDAL reminded us of the club Golf Tournament on August 18th. If you don’t play there are plenty of volunteer jobs available and a great dinner after.

SCARC dinner is at Dutton Ranch, Sebastopol, July 31st.

GEOFF ELLIS announced the Boys and Girls Club Golf Tournament on August 22nd.

Past President LOU STEINBERG presented gifts to last year’s board . . .

. . . and the Service Above Self Award to DAVE AMUNDSEN.

OREST BALYTSKY received his Chicken Badge.

PRESIDENT RALPH tried to explain last week; however Nate gave a much better explanation of jail house gossip.

After accusing BABE of taking his pin, . . .

. . . Past President DAVE gave RALPH his pin back.

KIP HERZOG was then fined for receiving the Elite Breeders Award.

The raffle was won by JAMES BURLESON who received passes to the County Fair.

JOANNE FERRIS introduced our guest speaker . . .

. . . Public Affairs Officer Barbara Upham from the CHP.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Lou Steinberg.

July 10, 2008



July 17 - Another interesting program
July 18 - Pamela Tuft Retirement Party
July 20 - Petaluma Art & Equestrian Festival
July 24 - Nizza Sequeira, Marin-Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District, "What you should know about Mosquitos and Vectors".
July 31 - Another interesting program



New President RALPH SARTORI quacked (no bell!) the meeting to order, announced that dues are due on 7/31/08 (not 6/30/08 as posted), and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then had fellow Cal-Poly alum HERB BUNDESEN lead us in song (God Bless America), followed by a Thought for the Day from the Prez’ “old” neighbor, JUDI ALLEWELT, who cautioned the Prez to not sport around in Speedos a la Past-President LOU STEINBERG! Cringes, handshakes and hugs amongst the members ensued.

Past-President JEANETTE CLARK, who confessed to being quite disoriented by all the changes under the new regime, introduced the visiting Rotarians, including the District Governor’s assistant (Tim Miller). Guests of Rotarians were then introduced, the July anniversaries were announced, and a Sunshine Report was made by the Prez: Past-President JOHN DADO had knee replacement surgery and is now back home on the mend – he probably won’t be fully healed in time to make the 2008 Olympic gymnastics team… but maybe 2012 will be his year!! Get well soon, John.

Past-President LARRY JONAS then reminded us of the upcoming (7/20) Mentor-Me Equestrian event at the Equestrian Center (located behind Sleepy Hollow Dairy on Lakeville Highway) and announced that there will be a Rotarian work party this Saturday (7/12) in preparation thereof – call Larry for details.

GAIL CARDAROPOLI added that the Mentor-Me Equestrian event committee will also need help with set-up (on 7/19) and staffing event booths (on 7/20) – call Gail if you can help out.

Next, President-Elect TOM BRANDAL reminded us that our Club's annual golf tournament will be held on August 18 at the Petaluma Golf & Country Club – call Tom or John Dado (let it ring a few times, John's not running to the phone just yet!!) for details. The Prez then concluded the medley of announcements by informing us of the Petaluma Valley Rotary Club's retirement party for City Planning Director Pamela Tuft – call Ralph for details. JOANNE FERRIS then delivered the annual local Rotary Foundation report.

Next, the parliamentary Prez stated his fining policies and procedures (guests will not fined but will be strongly encouraged to donate!), and immediately called JIM BECKER to the floor for the inaugural fine of the new Rotary year, which I'm sure would have been a dandy . . .

. . . had the Prez not been suddenly detained and summarily escorted from the premises by a couple of Petaluma's finest – fortunately, no guns were drawn and our protesting Prez went into custody peacefully, . . .

. . . ably assisted by his good friend Past-President BABE AMARAL, of course, who was so "helpful" the policemen placed him into custody and removed him from the premises as well!! No word as to the exact charges against the two scofflaws, but my inside sources tell me that they bribed the cops into releasing them at the Boulevard Bowl bar to find a bail bondsman and drown their "sorrows"!

Undaunted, President-Elect TOM BRANDAL, a Tommy-on-the-spot if ever there was one, raced to the podium to assume the duties of Club president in Ralph's place and stead, whereupon he duly proceeded (after finally figuring out which end of the microphone you speak into) with the meeting. Acting President Tom's first order of business was to fine Ralph $50.00 in absentia for allowing Clover-Stornetta to advertise dairy products at the meeting without providing any free milk. MARCUS BENEDETTI, in a noble effort to preserve Clo Cow's good name, graciously offered to pay Ralph's fine…and politely refrained from pointing out to the Acting Prez that Clover donated an ice cream desert for everyone at the meeting! Thanks, Clo!!

GARY BRODIE (who many suspect of orchestrating the PPD’s broad daylight snatch and grab of Babe and Ralph) was then fined a measly $10.00 for "hosting" a member's cocktail party with Babe at the Boulevard Bowl bar…but then making all the guests shake dice for drinks (so much cheaper to throw parties when your guests pick up the tab, isn't it?!).

Still flying by the seat of his brand new pants, ACTING PREZ BRANDAL held the raffle a trifle prematurely, shook ye old rock bag, and was amazed when DAVE BARBIERI pulled out the coveted brown rock to win the $$$ stockpile!

There was no speaker to speak, so Past-President TAWNY TESCONI (after bemoaning the fact that the boys in blue hadn't come after her with handcuffs!) came to the rescue to give us an impromptu preview of the upcoming Sonoma County Fair events – call Tawny . . .

. . . or Fair Board member RALPH BETTINELLI for details (or tickets, if you dare!). Acting Prez Tom then gave kudos to our new lunch caterer, and ratted himself out for a fun filled trip to San Francisco with his grandchildren.

After having JOANNE FERRIS assure us that our regular program schedule will resume next week, our fast Acting Prez mercifully adjourned President Ralph's most excellent first meeting!


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Mike Baddeley; photos by Michael Nistler.


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