Rota-Teller Masthead

August 2011

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

August 25, 2011


September 1 - Ingrid Alverde, Economic Development Manager, City of Petaluma
September 8 - Jim Dalton, Royal Petroleum - Gas and Oil
September 15 - Ted Robinson - "JFK, a Young Naval Officer"
September 19 - Golf Tournament



A missing flag, the Knights of Columbus and the Bendetti’s come to the rescue, guilt, fear, DUIs, bodily orifices, stolen purses, missing birthday celebrants, a posse and vigilantes, confessionals, the ‘turkey baster incident’, and aerobics in the middle of the day involving a big, shiny motorhome…a remake of “Dallas” you ask? The newest reality TV show? The hottest-selling novel in America? No, gentle reader…just another meeting of the Rotary Club of Petaluma! And you just had to be there to believe it!!!

This fourth Thursday in August, fearless yet flag-less, President JOANNE FERRIS called the meeting to order by pointing us in the direction of a “big” flag (courtesy of the Knights of Columbus and apparently on loan from St. Vincent’s HS) and then leading us in the pledge of allegiance. The day was sunny, warm, and Mister Magoo’s parking lot was full of Rotarians looking for a tasty lunch, warm fellowship, and another great RCP program.

Song master BARNEY FAUSS led the club in a round of “I’m a Rambler” followed by “God Bless America” (…miss you, Herb). MARCUS BENEDETTI gave a few thoughts for the day from Winston Churchill.

After not nearly enough time for all the club greetings we wanted to share, PRESIDENT JOANNE got us back on track. Though we had no visiting Rotarians, Rotarians with guests included KIP HERZOG (who introduced his son-in-law, Gary Buffo, owner of Pure Luxury Worldwide Transportation) and NANCY COOLEY (who introduced her husband, Bob).


The Sunshine Report was especially bright given that STAN LAWSON and LORETTA CATAROZOLI were back with us!!!


PRESIDENT JOANNE pointed out that although August is the month when two RCP members celebrate their birthdays (and one was at the meeting), the birthday table was completely empty. The one at the meeting was DAN FISH and after some wrangling with PRESIDENT JOANNE about the wrong date for his birthday (it’s August 13), signage needing to be in “two visible places in my line of work,” something about a missing chicken name badge and an excuse involving a “uniform policy,” DANNY paid $15 and PRESIDENT JOANNE paid $10 (Didn’t I warn you?…you had to be there!)

PRESIDENT JOANNE announced this was the last week to order Petaluma Rotary apparel with the one and only chicken badge logo.

JOHN DADO announced the September 19 Golf Tournament at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club is coming together nicely; though he needs the names for foursomes. Those planning only to partake in the Jules Fisher Prime Rib Dinner (prepared this year by PAUL RAMATICI and BUTCH SPOLINI) should plan on paying $35 per person to ONITA PELLEGRINI.

PRESIDENT JOANNE reminded all that raffle tickets purchased for the Rotary Foundation Celebration Event on Saturday, September 24 will count toward Paul Harris Fellowship recognition. Lastly,

PRESIDENT JOANNE announced that she and this year’s Friendship Feast coordinator, SHERRY BURWEN, have made the decision to hold these fun fellowship opportunities in the spring after our traditional Farmers and Merchants Night.

PRESIDENT JOANNE next spent some time talking about her personal knowledge of Catholic “guilt and fear” and how the RCP flag has been missing since she took office July 1. She noted that she should have “had it chipped; like my dog”, but instead is ready to form a posse to round up the guilty parties or is that party (BABE???)? BABE AMARAL was the very picture of innocence (how does he do that???) while he complained about vigilantes and swore that even Father Lombardi’s confessional couldn’t get him to cop to a flag napping.

PRESIDENT JOANNE’s ‘fine’ session did nab a number of members…WALLY BRAGDON gave $30 toward his fine schedule for having such a good time at his 60th high school reunion way back in Waterloo, Iowa. Watch for more from WALLY as he warned us PRESIDENT JOANNE “will have other occasions” in the future to grab more from him!

JIM McNULTLY offered up $50 for being the proud father of a now-college graduate daughter who leaves very soon for a position just outside Shanghai, China teaching English to young children.


Finally, PRESIDENT JOANNE was alerted to the “turkey baster incident” by MARCUS BENEDETTI who told us a tale about AL KAPLAN (looking a lot like a salty sea captain) and his adventures in the waters off Cortez Island when the little “skiff” he pilots (all 54 feet of it, though it only sleeps two…how big are those beds???) broke down. Seems AL had to bail with a turkey baster, while the Benedetti’s (who own two boats) came to the rescue. AL lost 18 pounds and $50 toward his fine schedule, while MARCUS gave up $50 for ratting him out.

Just before the weekly raffle, PRESIDENT JOANNE challenged members to check around their workspaces and count up the number of Rotary emblems on open display. Seems she’s got her eyes open too and will be making a “good” example of the member with the most emblems sometime in the future. How many Rotary emblems do YOU have in your office or workplace?

The weekly raffle had FRED KENYON taking home a nice bottle of wine, which he promptly returned to the club while taking home the Rotary paper clip holder (with emblem) given to him by PRESIDENT JOANNE. Thank you, FRED! Seems you’ve got a great start on the Rotary Emblem Contest!


Chief DAN FISH introduced his long-time colleague and friend, Lt. Tim Lyons, who has 21 years in with the Petaluma Police Department and is in charge of the DUI Checkpoint Program. Lt. Lyons gave us the benefit of his insider’s view of DUIs and their cost to the community and (with Garry Buffo’s help) the impact on the PD caused by all the paperwork. He also shared tips and tricks on DUI checkpoints (no…he did NOT tell us where the next one will be located), and then thanks to Past President CLARK ROSEN’s question about how much can one drink to be considered drunk the well-informed Lt. Lyons gave us a bit too much information about how some young people get a buzz on these days (this was the part involving bodily orifices, but you’ll have to ask someone who was there)! The aerobic portion of the meeting came when members were asked to get up and step out into the parking lot for a literal inside look into the DUI Checkpoint Command Vehicle (fortunately for some, no breath-a-lyzer demonstrations were given…). But before we could even get out of our seats, KATHY O’CONNER was forced to cry “thief” as it seems someone (BABE???) had stolen her purse.


Great program, Lt. Lyons!!! Even with all our RCP wackiness!

And so, intrepid readers, if this doesn’t make you want to NEVER miss another meeting of the Rotary Club of Petaluma, I don’t know what will! See you at the next one!


Rotary Foundation Raffle Tickets

Rotary Foundation Raffle tickets count towards your Paul Harris Fellow awards and Every Rotarian Every Year commitment. If you purchase four tickets for $80, Our club will add the last $20 to meet your $100 EREY! You could win some great prizes through November as a bonus!

Bring your check, payable to TRF, to the next meeting!


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Jane Saldańa-Talley.

August 18, 2011


August 25- DUI Checkpoints
September 1 - Another interesting program
September 8 - Jim Dalton, Royal Petroleum - Gas and Oil
September 15 - Ted Robinson - "JFK, a Young Naval Officer"
September 19 - Golf Tournament



PRESIDENT JOANNE FERRIS called the meeting to order and led the burgeoning crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

LEE REPOSA hit all the right notes as we followed along in “God Bless America.”

DAVE BARBIERI’s thought for the day was an inspirational perspective on adversity: the famous “luckiest man” remark by baseball great Lou Gherig.

Please stand by . . . .

PRESIDENT JOANNE delivered two very positive sunshine reports. STAN LAWSON has undergone successful treatments for malignant melanoma and is looking forward to seeing us in September. President-elect LORETTA CATAROZOLI has come out of her shell; that is to say her cast has been removed, and she will be back to both work and Rotary very soon.

JOHN DADO announced that there are 18 foursomes signed up for our Golf Tournament on Monday, September 19, at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club. There may still be opportunities for golfers to find a place in the tourney, and all members are encouraged to make reservations for the dinner that evening. Members who will not be swinging clubs that day may contact ONITA PELLEGRINI to be scheduled for a shift helping out on the course or in the kitchen.

The next dinner meeting of the Sonoma County Association of Rotary Clubs (SCARC) will be hosted by the Valley of the Moon club at Bennett Valley Golf Course on Thursday, August 25. You may be too late to get squeezed in for this event, but check with GAIL CARDAROPOLI if you wish to attend.

SECRETARY GAIL is also the person to call to reserve for the Rotary Foundation Celebration Event “South” on Saturday, September 24 at the Hyatt Vineyard Creek Hotel in Railroad Square, Santa Rosa, featuring guest speaker former RI President Rick King. PRESIDENT JOANNE reminded all that raffle tickets purchased for this event will count toward Paul Harris Fellowship recognition.

Seeking to avoid the revenue problems common to presidents of other bodies, our PRESIDENT JOANNE turned her attention to two of our generous members.

JOHN DADO was singled out for hosting, along with wife Sharon, a 55-year high school reunion that included hors d’oeuvres brought all the way from the Peppermill Inn in Reno. John was happy to volunteer $25 but argued convincingly that since this was a St. Vincent High School reunion, he was really engaged in a public relations service for which a certain Rotary President is gainfully employed. Acknowledging the point, PRESIDENT JOANNE contributed $30 of her own for a total matching the 55 years.

The hammer fell next on RICARDO MARZO, whose son Danny completed a most successful Little League baseball season. Danny’s All Star Team won the state championship for 11-year-olds and now looks forward to eligibility next year in the Little League World Series. As if things weren’t already looking rosy enough for the boy, when he attended our meeting last month with granddad DAN LIBARLE, Danny won the sizeable cash prize in our raffle. Ricardo reported that the money was used to purchase a rather nice baseball bat that will be put to good use. Beaming with pride and a not-quite-faded tan from his Maui vacation, Ricardo cheerfully coughed up $100.

Demonstrating that she is as much about compassion as fine levies, PRESIDENT JOANNE listened sympathetically to a heart-rending complaint by a hungry BABE AMARAL that no cookies had been served.


Foundation Chair DAVID SOLO made a special presentation of a Paul Harris Fellowship award, a second level earned by LOU STEINBERG and designated for his wife Julie, who proudly accepted the honor.


The club welcomed our newest member as PAUL LOUNIBOS inducted tax specialist and Enrolled Agent FRED KENYON. Fred now proudly wears the distinctive pin of Petaluma Rotary, placed on his collar by sponsor CLARK ROSEN.

The raffle was won by OREST BALYTSKY, who drew a blue rock for a bottle of wine that should be far more enjoyable than nitrous oxide.

Program Chair GREG O’BRIEN, announced that the scheduled program on DUI prevention had to be postponed for one week by DANNY FISH due to demands placed on his department by an unscheduled hostage crisis in San Rafael. But Greg was instead able to introduce DANNY FISH “acquaintance” JAY PALM as our speaker.

JAY gave an authoritative talk on the making of Western hats, among the articles sold in his longtime family business. You might say that Jay not only covered his subject well but actually blew the lid off of hat-making secrets in a presentation brimming with fun facts and capped off with top-of-the-line product examples to pass around. A straw poll of members confirmed that we felt this was a crowning achievement and that our hats are off to him.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Clark Rosen.

August 11, 2011


August 18- DUI Checkpoints
August 25- All about Hats – Ask Jay Palm any question, he’ll answer!
September 1 - Another interesting program
September 8 - Jim Dalton, Royal Petroleum - Gas and Oil
September 15 - Ted Robinson - "JFK, a Young Naval Officer"
September 19 - Golf Tournament




It started with a delicious BBQ lunch amongst fellow Rotarians from numerous clubs. We had a great new location right next to the race track.

Joining us was our District 5130 Governor, Maureen Merrill.

Also joining us with the Rotary Youth Exchange from Sweden was Johannes Alvekrans. Our own PRESIDENT JOANNE was taking Johannes around to introduce him to everyone and show him how we do it here in Sonoma County.

Amongst the crowd, you couldn’t help but notice the two Rotarian cowboys sporting their signature hats and western wear. JAY PALM and DAN FISH dressed for the occasion.

After lunch we all headed up to place some bets and beers.

You can’t beat spending a work day at the races. You couldn’t have a nicer day, the weather was perfect.

While enjoying some adult beverages with Lee Reposa, your editor spotted many of our members including AL CATTALINI, JEANETTE CLARK, JUDI ALLEWELT, JIM BECKER, GREG O’BRIEN, WHITNEY HALL, WALLY BRAGDON, SHERRY BURWEN, LOU STEINBERG, GAIL CARDAROPOLI, PAT SCHAEFER, CLARK ROSEN, and, of course, TAWNY TESCONI.

We also caught Past President BABE AMARAL sneaking in to place some wagers.

I apologize if I missed anyone else who was there.

All in all, the day was perfect!

For lots more photos from our Day at the Races, click here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Brian Breen.

August 4, 2011


August 11- Club meets at the Sonoma County Fair
August 18- DUI Checkpoints
August 25- Another interesting program
September 1 - All about Hats – Ask Jay Palm any question, he’ll answer!



These smiling faces greet arriving Rotarians.

The sounds of happy children filled the air on this special meeting of the Rotary Club of Petaluma. Children and adults enjoyed hamburgers, franks, onion rings, French fries, and other favorites.

With two of Tony McGaughey’s children holding our nation’s flag, President JOANNE led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Songleader JIM McCAFFREY selected “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” and “My Country “Tis of Thee” as our songs. JIM followed up by asking blessings on everyone.

JIM BECKER introduced the visiting Rotarians, who included ADG WULFF REINHOLD, SENIOR ADG GREG FREITAS, PDG MIKE MERRILL, and his spouse, our current DG, MAUREEN MERRILL.




Several members brought children or grandchildren as their guests.

Foundation chair DAVID SOLO presented a Paul Harris Award . . .


. . . to CLARK ROSEN (his second!!). DAVID also announced the District 5130 R. I. Foundation dinner on September 24 at the Hyatt in Santa Rosa. Raffle tickets will go on sale August 18.

LARRY JONAS, speaking for MICHAEL CARUANA as well, thanked everyone for working together on the PAEF, which appears to have netted about $19,000!!! Many thanks to co-chairs LARRY and MICHAEL!!!

JOHN DADO announced our annual Golf Tournament is set for Monday, September 19 which is almost here. JOHN stressed that we are limited to 18 foursomes, so notify JOHN ASAP if you intend to play golf. The price is unchanged: $125 for golfers, $35 for dinner.

Friendship Feast chair SHERRY BURWEN is looking for host families in October and November. This is a great opportunity for new members to mix with “old” members. Contact SHERRY if you would be a host.

The next SCARC meeting is August 25, 2011 at the Valley of the Moon Rotary Club. If you wish to come, notify GAIL CARDAROPOLI by August 18.

REMINDER: we are dark next week for the Rotary Day at the Races! If you miss, you are encouraged to make up by attending another Rotary Club meeting!

August 20 is the date for the District Super Seminar, which covers both Foundation and Membership!!! President JOANNE is going…have you signed up??

Newlywed DAN FISH, wearing a wedding band, spent two weeks vacationing in Hawaii and donated $100!

Raffle winner Fred Kenyon took home a bottle of wine.

“The Heart of Rotary” was the theme of District 5130 Governor, MAUREEN MERRILL, who was introduced by ADG WULFF REINHOLD.

Referring to Rotarians as heroes, MAUREEN challenged us to update our (sometimes preconceived) perceptions of who we are and what we do. As volunteer “heroes”, we have a duty to respond to changes in our society and culture.

Rotary calls us to “Service Above Self”. When we answer the call, will we do so passionately? Will we respond with full hearts, open minds, and a fervent desire to embrace humanity? In the whole wide world of Rotary, can we state with reasonable assurance: “Nowhere else in the world today is the Object of Rotary better served than right here in this District”.

Governor MAUREEN concluded her excellent talk with an eloquent “thought for the day” that was both timely and timeless. Thanks for a great program!!!

DG MAUREEN signed this gift for the PHS library.

Michael and Paul collaborated on writing last week's Rota-Teller (and Paul wrote this one).


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Paul Lounibos.


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