Rota-Teller Masthead

December 2011

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

December 15, 2011


December 22 - Club dark
December 29 - Club dark
January 5 - Club Assembly - Local and International Projects
January 12 - OLE



With her presidential term half over, PRESIDENT JOANNE sought GREG O’BRIEN’s help in extricating our borrowed flag and then asked Greg to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

LOU STEINBERG was up next, leading us in I’m a Gambler . . . , and God Bless America.

The Thought for the Day was delivered by ONITA PELLEGRINI. She segued from thoughts on last-minute gifts to verses from the Grinch.

AL KAPLAN introduced our one visiting Rotarian. No Rotarians brought a guest today.

Sitting at the December birthday table were GEOFF ELLIS, TAWNY TESCONI, and MARLENE FREETLY. For their $5 fines they were serenaded by the crowd, led by BARNEY FAUSS.

RICK MOSSI was saluted as the President-Nominee and observed that he’d be following NANCY COOLEY but didn’t want to have to dance with DAVID SOLO as part of the bargain.

RICK also thanked the Rotarians who carried on HERB BUNDESEN’s tradition of bell ringing at a Salvation Army kettle. BARNEY FAUSS, FRED FROST, ONITA PELLEGRINI, PAUL LOUNIBOS, LEE BEAN, WHIT HALL, FRED WULFF, and AL CATTALINI toiled (tolled?) outside the downtown post office on Tuesday, raising over $300.

Police Chief DANNY FISH was saluted for his bell ringing competition on Kentucky Street. Once again he defeated the Fire Chief in this annual battle of first responders.

LEE REPOSA reminded members to push sales of the Super Raffle tickets.

Hope Solo’s brother, DAVID SOLO, was saluted for his dancing performance but it seems that he didn’t remember much of what happened that night.

Dance Judge MIKE BADDELEY, who rated NANCY COOLEY a “minus three,” paid a $30 fine for his transgression.

Meanwhile, Judge TAWNY TESCONI who was lauded as “very nice” in her remarks escaped with a $5 fine.

PRESIDENT JOANNE saluted KATHY O’CONNOR for her great job in chairing the Holiday Party. We’ve heard lots of compliments, including that it was the “best ever.” Thanks, Kathy!

GEOFF ELLIS announced that our annual dictionary distribution to third graders would take place January 17-27. He urged all members to sign up for the school(s) of their choice and participate in this wonderful project.

Special thanks go out to TAWNY TESCONI who has coordinated the procurement and distribution of over 41,000 dictionaries this year to over 200 Rotary clubs in 15 states. Wow!

JUDI ALLEWELT announced that Christmas gifts were ready for delivery to needy children this afternoon. Altogether, we’ll be delivering gifts to 68 families with a total of 174 children. The gifts cost $9,130 of which $830 was donated by K-Mart. Judi thanked TOM BRANDAL and the shoppers for their assistance in this project.

Local Foundation President, LEE BEAN, reminded members to complete and return the ballots they recently received in the mail.

Speaking of elections today was the “Annual Meeting” of the Petaluma Rotary Club at which future club leadership is elected. The following candidates, nominated last week, were elected today:

JIM BECKER won the raffle and a bottle of wine.

Today’s speaker was Johannes Alvekrans, our Rotary Exchange student from Sweden. He gave an interesting presentation about Sweden and his experiences in America. At the conclusion he was presented a “chicken pin” and a Club banner by PRESIDENT JOANNE.

Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Season’s Greetings!


For photos from the Holiday Party click here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini.

December 9, 2011


December 15 - Johannes Alvekrans - Rotary Exchange student from Sweden / Election of Officers
December 15 - Rotary Blood Drive, 3-7pm, Community Center
December 15 - Children's gift distribution
December 15 - Appetizers and refreshments, 5:30-6:30pm, Mister Magoo's
December 22 - Club dark
December 29 - Club dark



The room was filled with Holiday Cheer! Everyone was dressed in festive garments, the room was decorated from ceiling to floor, and the Holiday spirit was flowing. The Rotary Club of Petaluma’s Holiday Party was already a phenomenal success when PRESIDENT JOANNE FERRIS called the “official” meeting to order.

PRESIDENT ELECT NANCY COOLEY looking fabulous in her favorite “tango” outfit.

PAST PRESIDENT TAWNY TESCONI made the official announcement . . .


. . . that RICK MOSSI has been named our President Nominee 2013-2014!!! We all know Rick will be a great leader and he is the right man for the job.

KATHY O’CONNOR accepted our appreciation for the Holiday Party Committee and the amazing job they did for this event. Every year, this Committee puts on a great dinner/dance and their hard work is greatly appreciated.

Watch the video of Nancy Cooley dancing with Hope Solo's brother.

Then came the highlight of the evening. NANCY COOLEY and DAVID SOLO performed an amazing tango to the great delight of the audience.


Judging this dance were TAWNY TESCONI, MIKE BADDELEY AND Bob Cooley. Their comments were hilarious and the crowd cheered them heartily. Everyone involved was a very good sport.

Thankfully, the Club had prepared for the worst and we were treated to a professional foxtrot by John Ross and Loralie Staley of The Ballroom in Rohnert Park.


The following is a poem from the Rotary Club of Cardiff (England).



Susan Cunningham

*I have taken editorial liberty and inserted our Club name.

Congratulations on a wonderful Holiday Party and a very Happy Holiday Season to all!


For photos from the Holiday Party click here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo.

December 1, 2011


December 8 - Club dark
December 9 - Holiday Party, 6pm, Graziano's Ristorante
December 15 - Johannes Alvekrans - Rotary Exchange student from Sweden
December 15 - Rotary Blood Drive, 3-7pm, Community Center



President, JOANNE “Frosty” FERRIS, opened the meeting at the appointed half-hour and immediately had LOU “10 Lords a-Leaping” STEINBERG lead us in song (Gypo and My Country ‘Tis of Thee).

The Prez then delivered the Thought for the Day, followed by the customary handshakes, hugs and busses amongst the members.

KIP “Happy Holidays” HERZOG introduced the visiting Rotarians, followed by the introduction of our guests of Rotarians.

Larry and Andy have both set anniversary records.

The Prez then announced the December Anniversaries celebrated by our Club members.

Next, RICARDO “Merry Christmas” MARZO gave an uplifting Sunshine Report on the status of his middle son (Peter), who recently underwent open heart surgery. Thankfully, Peter is now home and on the mend… hopefully, he’s up and chasing reindeer off the roof in no time!

The Prez announced that the Salvation Army needs volunteers, and that there will be a kettle collection pot ring-off between our Fire Chief and Police Chief (our very own DAN “Jingle Bells” FISH). Let Joanne know if you are interested in doing a little bell ringing yourself this Yuletide Season.

LEE “Rudolph” REPOSA then gave a Super Raffle update: Captains have been selected, sales teams have been drafted, and tickets are in process of being distributed. Lee’s goal is to sell 1500 total tickets this year, so make sure you sell, sell, sell!!

KATHY “O’Christmas Tree” O’CONNOR reminded us that our club’s annual Holiday Party is December 9 (Friday) @ Graziano’s – cocktails start at 6pm.

JUDI “Santa’s Elf” ALLEWELT reported that Holiday gift purchases for 175 children in need had been completed, and the gifts will be wrapped and delivered just in time for Kris Kringle to load them on his sleigh.

The Prez gave us a Rotary dictionary project report: 41,000 dictionaries will be distributed to 3rd graders this year around the Nation, and it all started right here thanks to MARLENE “Mistletoe” FREETLY’S beloved spouse, Harvey Freetly. GEOFF “Jolly” ELLIS is the current Chairman of our Children’s Dictionary Program, so please contact him with any interest you may have in helping out.

The Prez also reminded us all that there is a Blood Drive on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Petaluma Community Center (320 N. McDowell Blvd.), 3pm-7pm – the Prez encourages all of us who can give blood to do so.

LEE “Santa Baby” BEAN then gave the annual local Rotary Foundation Report and held a discussion regarding suggested bylaw amendments.

Despite the upcoming Holiday Season, the Prez fined CLARK “Chestnuts Roasting” ROSEN half a c-note for being the Sales Agent of the Month for October and having his picture in the paper.

Like old Scrooge himself, the Prez then proceeded to fine BABE “”The Angel” AMARAL $75.00 for his patriotism in displaying the coveted, long lost Rotary Flag at his business, Rancho Feeding.

Apparently unclear on the true meaning of the Season, and not understanding that it is better to give than receive, the Grinch...I mean the Prez, then stole $25.00 from LEE “Christmas Wrap” REPOSA for allowing the Rotary Flag to be blatantly displayed outside of his business, Sonoma Bank.

Ticket #8322 proved to be a winner for CLARK “Santa’s Workshop” ROSEN who pulled a blue rock for a nice bottle of Kenwood wine to kick-in his Holiday Cheer.

Clark then introduced our Speaker, Janet Ramatici, the Executive Director of PEF (Petaluma Educational Foundation), who, along with Maureen Highland, the new Development Coordinator of PEF, gave an excellent presentation on the history, progress, and goals of PEF. An autographed book was donated in PEF’s name to the PHS library for a program well received.

The Prez then reminded us that we are dark next week (Dec. 8), and concluded the meeting with a thoughtful quote...apparently she must have thought she heard sleigh bells ringing when TOM “Toy Land” BAKER’s phone went off (when Santa calls, people listen!), and that DON “Dasher – Dancer – Donner” RAMATICI and JIM “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” McCAFFREY simply had a bit too much egg nod…I mean nog…while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads, during the program! Ho, ho, ho!

See you at the Holiday Party!


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Mike Baddeley.


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