Rota-Teller Masthead

March 2012

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

March 29, 2012


April 5 - Michael Traina - Petaluma Film Alliance
April 12 - Wulff Reinhold - Social Media
April 19 - Jay Palm - Saddles
April 26 - Dave Pokorny - Comedian



It was the last meeting in March (only three more months to go, Joanne!) and PRESIDENT JOANNE rang the meeting to order, announced that tomorrow, March 30, was the 89th anniversary of our Club, and called on DAVID BARBIERI to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Muttering under his breath that the flag was on the wrong side of the dais, David nevertheless did his duty with élan. (And, considering the past nine months, we should thank God that we had a flag at all!)

Next she surprised LEE REPOSA by calling on him to serve as song leader for the day. Not a bit ruffled by the assignment, Lee warmed up with I’m a Rambler, . . . and then our favorite, God Bless America.

LARRY JONAS wasn’t surprised when PRESIDENT JOANNE called on him to offer our Thought for the Day, his traditional message on Passover. He wasn’t surprised because he was a no show. So much for the Thought for the Day!

We had a slew of visiting Rotarians — and high-ranking ones at that: Our District Governor, Maureen Merrill; Assistant Governor Wulff Reinhold; and Past District Governor, Larry Myers.

We had non-Rotarian guests as well: LOU STEINBERG brought his grandson Nathan; ONITA PELLEGRINI hosted her friend, Sally. KIP HERZOG, BRIAN BREEN, and PRESIDENT JOANNE introduced their guests Gary, Jason, Chris, and Shari, about whom you’ll read more in a minute.

Sunshine Report. KIP HERZOG advised that DAN LIBARLE had a hip replacement on Tuesday and that things were going so well that he’d be home today!

While there was lots of birthday cake for the crowd, the honorees were rather sparse. DAVID BARBIERI, the sole occupant of the Birthday Table, paid his $5 fine while JIM McCAFFREY, sitting elsewhere, was fined $10.

Assistant District Governor Wulff Reinhold, a member of the Rohnert Park-Cotati Club, announced that his Club had adopted a new banner, presenting one to PRESIDENT JOANNE who reciprocated with our oldie.

Then ADG Wulff, who is a Director of the Rotary Global History Fellowship, called on PAUL LOUNIBOS who recently joined RGHF and presented him with his membership pin. (Paul has a knack for history. You should read his History of Rotary in Petaluma.)

PRESIDENT JOANNE reminded members that tonight, at the Petaluma Sheraton, Past President CLARK ROSEN would be honored as Petaluma’s Citizen of the Year. She urged members to wear their chicken badges at the event to show the Club’s pride for his accomplishments.

Next she commented on the successful Farmers and Merchants Night and thanked JAY PALM for his efforts in the kitchen. Great polenta and stew, Jay!

DAVID SOLO reminded members of next Tuesday’s wine tasting event at La Dolce Vita. It’s not to late to send David your RSVP.

PRESIDENT JOANNE then announced that flashmob training sessions would follow our April meetings as we prepare for the April 28 Butter and Egg Days Parade. Establishing a “flash or cash” policy she proclaimed that non-flashers would be assessed a $50 fine with all proceeds going to the new Little League ballpark. You can watch the training video on the Web.

And, in an event suitable for PAUL LOUNIBOS’ history books, District Governor Maureen Merrill inducted four new members into the Club today.

With their sponsors standing behind them, CHRIS and SHARI RANNEY (JOANNE FERRIS), JASON GOOCH (BRIAN BREEN), and GARY BUFFO (KIP HERZOG) were welcomed as the newest members of a club that in 366 days will be 90 years old. Welcome!

It seems that President-Elect NANCY COOLEY ruffled some feathers when she met with RI President-Elect Sakuji Tanaka at the recent PETS conference. She told PE Tanaka that her mom was from Tokyo, pulled out her cell phone, and asked him to chat with her. He was delighted to do so but this disregard for protocol upset the PE’s handlers who apparently hadn’t programmed spontaneous humanity into the schedule.

What NANCY hadn’t programmed into her schedule was keeping an eye on her chicken badge. It mysteriously arrived at the podium where our President collected $105 for its return, $100 from our President-Elect and $5 from LEE REPOSA who must have had some culpability in this affair.

Next it was WALLY BRAGDON who asked members to save the date — Thursday, June 7 — for the first annual SRJC Petaluma Campus “State of the Campus” breakfast. More info later.

It was GAIL CARDAROPOLI’s turn for the Rotary Minute. She wowed us describing how “getting to see the results” of our efforts made all the difference. She recounted her trip to Thailand with fellow Rotarians where she saw the smiles on kids’ faces, kids who appreciated the water purification systems we had provided.

JANE SALDAÑA-TALLEY won the raffle and a bottle of wine. Next week’s raffle will be worth $100.

PAUL LOUNIBOS was back at the podium, this time to introduce our speaker.

Past District Governor Larry Myers, a retired pharmacist from Ukiah and Chair of the District 5130 Foundation PolioPlus Subcommittee, captivated us with his message about saving children’s lives through the eradication of polio. A polio survivor himself (he was felled by polio at age 6), he declared that polio was on the verge of extinction. There were just 31 cases world-wide this year and India has now been declared polio free. All this has been accomplished by giving just two drops of vaccine (cost 60¢) to each child. For more on this important topic, visit the Rotary International website.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini.

March 23, 2012


March 29 - Larry Myers - Polio Plus
April 5 - Michael Traina - Petaluma Film Alliance
April 12 - Another interesting program
April 19 - Jay Palm - Saddles



President Joanne welcomes the crowd.

Farmers & Merchants Night was a great event Friday Night. Thank you to event co-chairs BILL GROVERMAN and STEVE GAVRILOFF for a job well done.

JAY PALM led the efforts in the kitchen with his posse: Ralph Sartori, Alan Brodie, Ed Cardoza, Bob Moyer, Fred Corda and Jim Moreda, while STEVE HENRIS organized the bars.

Special thanks to the local businesses/organizations that donated raffle prizes:

For photos from Farmers & Merchants Night, click here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Joanne Ferris.

Special Edition – March 20, 2012


March 22 - Club Dark
March 23 - Farmers & Merchants Night
March 29 - Larry Myers - Polio Plus
April 5 - Michael Traina - Petaluma Film Alliance





The club has received an application for induction of the following new member:

  • Proposed Member: Chris Ranney
  • Classification: Investments & Securities
  • Membership Type: Active
  • Sponsor: Mike Baddeley

If any member in good standing has an objection to this person, such objection should be made in writing to the club board of directors within 7 days of receipt of this notice.




The club has received an application for induction of the following new member:

  • Proposed Member: Shari Ranney
  • Classification: Financial Planning
  • Membership Type: Active
  • Sponsor: Joanne Ferris

If any member in good standing has an objection to this person, such objection should be made in writing to the club board of directors within 7 days of receipt of this notice.




The club has received an application for induction of the following new member:

  • Proposed Member: Jason Gooch
  • Classification: Building Construction
  • Membership Type: Active
  • Sponsor: Brian Breen

If any member in good standing has an objection to this person, such objection should be made in writing to the club board of directors within 7 days of receipt of this notice.


Today's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini.

March 15, 2012


March 22 - Club Dark
March 23 - Farmers & Merchants Night
March 29 - Larry Myers - Polio Plus
April 5 - Michael Traina - Petaluma Film Alliance



After some of the lads, led by former presidents BLARNEY “Stone” FAUSS and WALLY “Green Beer” BRAGDON, warmed up with a wee drink or two, . . .

. . . President JOANNE “Four Leaf Clover” FERRIS, opened the meeting at the appointed half-hour.

LOU “When Irish Eyes Are a Smilin’” STEINBERG lead us in song, . . .

. . . followed by ONITA “O’ PELLIGRINI” who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, . . .

. . . and then delivered a lengthy Rotary Thought for the Day on the history of women in Rotary. The customary handshakes, hugs and busses amongst the members ensued.

Following the introduction of the guests of Rotarians who joined us for our traditional corned beef and cabbage repast in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we were treated to a medley of announcements:

The Prez reminded us that we are having a Club flash mob dance at the upcoming Butter & Egg Day parade, so be prepared (according to the Prez, those who fail to flash will pay cash!!);

DAVID “Danny Boy” SOLO reminded us of the Wine and Appetizer tasting club mixer on April 3 at La Dolce Vita-a mere $30 gets you in the door, so RSVP to Davis if you are interested; and STEVE “Gaelic” GAVRILOFF reminded us that our Farmers and Merchants night is next Friday (March 23) so if you haven’t signed up your group yet, please do so ASAP.

BABE “Faith and Begorrah” AMARAL had the dubious distinction of being the only member fined for anything when his Rotary badge was found underneath a bar stool (Babe, at a bar…no way, right?), where he was apparently so busy buying his fellow club members free drinks as his penance (for the missing Club Flag miraculously found in his truck last meeting), he lost it. The merciful Prez, after chiding Babe for only paying for two free drinks (which he probably lost rolling dice), and refusing to accept his coveted Rotary logo pen as a badge substitute, fined him a mere $5 worth of scillings to get his badge back! Good job, Babe.

The luck of the Irish was upon LEE “St. Patty Day Parade” REPOSA’s young guest, who held the winning raffle ticket, good for $25.

The Prez then introduced our speakers, Bill Sullivan and Robert Eber, from the Friends of Petaluma Recreation, who gave us a very thorough, informative presentation on the tax initiative they are proposing to raise money dedicated for Petaluma recreational amenities and park projects. After a lively question and answer session, the Prez, with a single stroke of her shillelagh stick, adjourned the meeting!

Have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Mike Baddeley.

March 8, 2012


March 15 - Andy Eber and Bill Sullivan - Petaluma Friends of Recreation
March 22 - Club Dark
March 23 - Farmers & Merchants Night
March 29 - Larry Myers - Polio Plus
April 5 - Michael Traina - Petaluma Film Alliance




PRESIDENT JOANNE FERRIS called the meeting to order and invited JOE TAMBE to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance to a diminutive version of our national emblem.

LEE REPOSA rallied the assembled voices in a special “Happy Birthday” to daughter Lauren, celebrating her 6th. We can’t be sure that every 6-year-old dreams of lunch at a Rotary meeting, but Lauren clearly enjoys hanging out with Dad. After warming up with the Birthday song, Dad led us all in singing “God Bless America.”

The Thought for the Day was reminiscence by SHERRY BURWEN, recalling a 1998 trip to New Zealand with Interact students who insisted on identifying themselves as Rotarians. After correcting the upstarts, Sherry reflected on how gratifying it was to know that these kids had a vision of continuing a life of service in Rotary.

After the traditional exchange of hugs and handshakes all around, some members introduced guests of distinction:

GARY BRODIE proudly presented Past President Jim Mickelson.

SHERRY BURWEN had no discernible difficulty remembering the name of her husband Michael.

WHIT HALL had the pleasure of announcing Tony Parrish.

CLARK ROSEN gave a sunshine report on wife Patti, who continues a remarkable recovery from brain surgery, giving plenty of credit to the good wishes and offers of help from members of our club.

PRESIDENT JOANNE acknowledged the passing of Pat Groverman and announced the memorial to be held on Sunday, April 1, 1:00, at the 4-H facility in Rohnert Park (behind Grocery Outlet).

JIM McCAFFREY announced the memorial for longtime club member and Past President Ernie Jensen on Thursday, March 15, 2:00 at Rooster Run.

PRESIDENT JOANNE invited all to the celebration of 25 Years of Women in Rotary at the Vintners Inn in Santa Rosa on Friday, March 16. Our President has reminded us that this event is not only a recognition of women in the organization but also of the men who welcomed them, men like JOHN DADO, President of our club when the rules changed and who made sure that not just one but four women would become members in that historic year.

Secretary GAIL CARDAROPOLI announced the next Sonoma County Association of Rotary Clubs (SCARC) meeting, hosted by the Rancho Cotate Club at Sally Tomatoes on March 29.

STEVE GAVRILOFF called attention to the reservation sheets for fast-approaching Farmers and Merchants Night, our club’s most venerated social event, dating back to the 1930’s. The impossible-to-improve-upon menu of delicious stew and polenta is reason enough to attend, and the open bar makes the ticket an incredible value for certain members – and guests, of course. Friday, March 23 is the date.

This year’s visiting Group Study Exchange (GSE) group is coming from Turkey, and our President tells us that volunteers are needed to host and help with activities. We look forward to an appearance by the group at one of our meetings. At last a chance to learn why it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople.

LEN MYGATT recommended a series of Life-Long Learning lectures at Sonoma State University, featuring a wide range of topics – Art, History, Music, Science, and more. If Len says it’s not too late to learn something new, we should all listen.

Foundation Chair DAVID SOLO encouraged all to attend the multi-club social event at La Dolce Vita Wine Bar on Tuesday, April 3. $30 pays for a fun evening and opportunity to mix with other Rotarians. David announced that our club members will be able to meet their Every Rotarian Every Year commitment by contributing only $50 (with another $50 matched by the club). And we expect to induct not just a few, but 9 new Paul Harris Fellows this year!

WALLY BRAGDON communicated a heart-felt thanks from Boy Scout Troop 8 for our sponsorship and support, offering to help with our upcoming events, as the Scouts have done in the past.


PRESIDENT JOANNE welcomed one of our favorite visitors, Youth Exchange student Johannes Alvekranz, and two very active Petaluma High School Interact Club members, Danielle Steffen and Jackie Farrington, who happily accepted their Super Raffle Second Prize check in the amount of $1200 from BANO CUMMINGS and LOU STEINBERG. The Interactors plan to leverage the prize by organizing a youth track meet to raise funds for the Polly Klaas Foundation and to encourage youth participation in healthy activities.

Instead of a Rotary float in this year’s Butter and Eggs Day Parade, all three Petaluma clubs will appear as a pre-parade “flash mob” in front of the judging stand on the Boulevard. PRESIDENT JOANNE promises that all of us, even the most hip-hop challenged, will be able to quickly master the simple choreography and make this an unforgettable scene. Non- participants will still have an opportunity to contribute -- $50 to be exact.

JIM BECKER was singled out by our President for having missed the Crab Feed last month, and for an unusually fine-able reason. Jim served three days at San Quentin Penitentiary, not for any crime but as part of a Catholic ministry through St. Vincent De Paul Church. His good work cost Jim a $50 fine and another $50 contribution toward his next Paul Harris level.

MIKE BADDELEY was next to feel the weight of the gavel. Son Brooks appeared prominently in the Argus Courier as part of a Petaluma High School fundraising pageant that featured performances “no father should have to witness” but nonetheless earned Master Brooks the coveted title of Mister GQ 2012. Mike was fined $50 for having witnessed/survived the honor/embarrassment.


BARNEY FAUSS complained that Chief DANNY FISH has been derelict in his duties, as some nefarious character has been making suspicious phone calls to the Fauss household. Barney said the caller must have him confused with a weather station, since when Barney picked up the phone the voice asked if the coast was clear. Chief Danny was exonerated and Barney got off easy with a fine of only $10 for resurrection of a joke almost as old as the telephone.

A transgression by our webmaster was caught by the all-seeing eye of modern communications. One JOANNE FERRIS happened to record the Gonzaga v. St. Mary’s basketball game at the WCC Tournament in Las Vegas and was able to spot AL and Joan CATTALINI in the crowd cheering the Gaels’ victory over Joanne’s beloved Bulldogs. A fine for allegiance to one’s Alma Mater would be unjust, but our President noted that Al was not sporting a Rotary pin. Evidently what happens in Vegas costs $5.

Our President’s steely determination to solve the 8-month-long mystery of the stolen American flag and to bring the perpetrator to justice produced a dramatic denouement. Prime suspect BABE AMARAL was confronted not only by the 4-Way Test but even by Saint Mary herself, who when unveiled by PRESIDENT JOANNE was holding an 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Steal the Rotary Flag. It was almost too much for the former altar boy, especially during Lent. He offered a $100 fine, provided that it would include an upcoming Hawaii vacation. But vague protests of innocence about the flag led to adjournment to the parking lot and a search of Babe’s vehicle, which to only Babe’s shock and amazement, had Old Glory stowed in the back seat. DANNY FISH applied the handcuffs. Justice -- and drinks on Babe -- were served. For all the sordid details, click here.

In a perfect alignment of lucky stars, birthday girl Lauren Reposa was our raffle winner, and her plucking of a blue rock yielded a $25 prize.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Clark Rosen.

March 1, 2012


March 8 - Express Meeting
March 15 - Andy Eber and Bill Sullivan - Petaluma Friends of Recreation
March 22 - Club Dark
March 23 - Farmers & Merchants Night
March 29 - Larry Myers - Polio Plus



This first Thursday in March 2012, President JOANNE FERRIS called in her ‘relief’ -- President Elect Nominee, RICK MOSSI, who (though he may have looked steely-eyed and calm) admitted to a bit of “dry mouth” over the thought of presiding over a club with so many ‘Hall of Fame’ past and future presidents (and potential jokesters!) in attendance.

ONITA PELLEGRINI led us in the pledge of allegiance to two teensy flags, one unfurled from Rick’s own pocket and the other plucked from the front table flag rack by GREG O’BRIEN.

The day had started out rainy, but turned sunny and warm for our ‘ballpark fare’ lunch of burgers and dogs at Mister Magoo’s.

Song master BARNEY FAUSS led the club in “I’m a Rambler” and brought us ‘into home’ with “God Bless America.”

Rick asked fellow banker (ret.) and Rotarian, WALLY BRAGDON, to give the Thought for the Day and Wally treated us to one borrowed from Abe Lincoln.

After a bit of time for club greetings, RELIEF PRESIDENT (RP) MOSSI, called for visiting Rotarians and we welcomed Blaine Goodwin from Santa Rosa Downtown, Lili Goodman Freitas from Petaluma Sunrise and Senior Assistant District Governor, Greg Freitas.

Next, RP MOSSI introduced Connie Williams, Librarian at Petaluma High School, who was there to receive the latest batch of speaker-autographed books we donate to the high school and to thank us for all of our wonderful support. She brought along an autographed item of her own—a thank you card from folks at PHS.

March anniversaries were next and included HENRY HANSEL (to Marilyn) and KIP HERZOG (to a different Marilyn) and BARNEY FAUSS (to Alma). Barney paid $1 for throwing what RP MOSSI described as the ‘first curve ball’ of the meeting by telling us why he chose April Fool’s Day as the day after his wedding (though DAVE BARBIERI corrected Rick’s pitching reference later in the meeting…wondering why a former ‘relief pitcher’ like Rick couldn’t tell the difference between a curve ball and a ‘screwball’!!!).

JIM McCAFFREY spoke from the heart about former club member, ERNIE JENSEN, who passed away recently. Ernie loved Rotary and was responsible for starting up our annual Christmas gift giveaway for kids. We all shared a moment of silence in appreciate of the time we had with Ernie and the gifts he gave to our club and community.

JAY PALM reminded us the March 23 is Farmers & Merchants Night…stew, polenta and a fun time for $25. Anyone who doesn’t know a farmer or merchant should contact him for suggestions.

Rotarians with guests included BRIAN BREEN with 4th-time guest and almost new member, Jason Gooch, and DANNY FISH with the day’s speaker, Bob DeLeo, CEO of the Polly Klaas Foundation.

GEOFF ELLIS thanked the members and was himself thanked by RP MOSSI for another great Dictionary Project. He shared thank you letters from of the 3rd grade beneficiaries of this wildly successful project.

RP MOSSI acknowledged Visiting Rotarian (and Salvation Army Regional Development Director) Blaine Goodwin again for the his club’s recent bike ride event and noted that he and Blaine became acquainted thanks to HERB BUNDESEN, who got Rick involved in the Salvation Army Bell Ringer Program.

MICHAEL CARUANA, pointed out the ‘big’ sign for the July 29th Petaluma Arts and Equestrian Festival (how could we miss it?) and urged everyone in the club to “choose something” to do to support this major fundraiser for our club.

RELIEF PRESIDENT RICK then pulled out a smart phone identified only by an incoming call from ‘Diane’…it was claimed and paid for by someone in the club who shall remain anonymous.

LEN MYGATT gladly paid $20 to get his official ‘chicken badge’ and we applauded him loudly for becoming a full-fledged member of the Rotary Club of Petaluma team! Way to go, Len!!!

RELIEF PRESIDENT RICK’s ‘fine’ session nabbed a number of members…JUDI ALLEWELT, who was a little sore from surgery earlier in the week, paid the club $100 and read some very cute thank you letters from 3rd grade dictionary recipients, including one who might make a great Rotarian in a few years!

ROY MUSICK offered up $100 for his travels to the National Library of Medicine to see the unveiling of his brother-in-law’s exhibit on Native American medicine (though he tried to have that same fine reversed for spending a week in Hawaii with his wife, Linda’s, aging parents! Nice try, Roy, but no luck!).

DANNY FISH paid $10 for the ‘permit fee’ on his new ‘patrol car’ (aka, horse), which apparently was nearly as much as the gas bill for JAY PALM to drive to the meeting in his new ‘ride’…more about that another time!

STEVE GAVRILOFF, paid $100 for a date night detour that resulted in his son’s forehead getting glued back together in the emergency room. And, finally, (though there was no fine involved)

SHERRY BURWEN let us all know she is now “homeless” since her house sold in 17 days thanks to her prayers to all manner of saints and deities!

Finally, TAWNY TESCONI shared her Rotary Minute about the Dictionary Program, describing it as the type of project we Rotarians are known worldwide for…”finding a need and fixing it” which was exactly what HARVEY FREETLY did when he conceived a program that touched his heart and imagination. This year 41,000 dictionaries were distributed all over the US by nearly 140 clubs. Over the 11 years of the program, more than 275,000 kids have benefited thanks to one man’s dream and one club’s determination and commitment.

The weekly raffle had KIP HERZOG taking home a nice bottle of bubbly instead of the $50 prize.


DANNY FISH re-introduced the program speaker Robert “Bob” DeLeo, Executive Director of the Polly Klaas Foundation. Robert gave an excellent presentation, bringing us all up to date on the incredible work of a Foundation that started right here in Petaluma. Its 24/7/365 hotline is one of the best child find services in the country (handling over 2,000 calls in 2011 alone), they helped expand the Amber Alert system to all states in the US, serve as a critical bridge between families and law enforcement, created a rapid response team (RRT) of e-volunteers and distributed thousands of child and internet safety kits. He also shared his list of “myth busters” about missing and exploited children; stating the highest proportion (48%) are runaways and “throwaways.” He ended by sharing the goals of the Foundation’s 2011-15 strategic plan, including their intent to raise the Foundation’s profile in Petaluma. October 2013 is the Foundation’s 20th anniversary. Check them out at Great program, Robert!

RELIEF PRESIDENT MOSSI stepped up to the mound one last time and threw the game winning pitch to close the meeting. Thanks, Rick! You did good!



The club has received an application for induction of the following new member:

  • Proposed Member: Gary Buffo
  • Classification: Transportation - Limousine
  • Membership Type: Active
  • Sponsor: Kip Herzog

If any member in good standing has an objection to this person, such objection should be made in writing to the club board of directors within 7 days of receipt of this notice.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley.


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