Rota-Teller Masthead

October 2014


Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.


October 30, 2014



November 6 - Steve Hood, US Army (formerly Petaluma Police Chief) - Counterterrorism
November 13 - Corporal Zeus Rivera, Petaluma Police Dept, - Gangs in Petaluma
November 20 - Ingrid Alverde, Petaluma Economic Development Manager
November 27 - Club Dark; Happy Thanksgiving!r


More Info on Upcoming Programs



It was a beautiful pre-Halloween, post-Giants-World Series-win October day, when PRESIDENT MICHAEL CARUANA called to order the Rotary Club of Petaluma at the scenic Petaluma Golf and Country Club on this last Thursday of the month. PRESIDENT MICHAEL greeted us by saying “How ’bout those Dodgers!? What??!!” Fortunately for him the microphone failed (as usual). PRESIDENT MICHAEL then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to kick off the meeting.


PRESIDENT MICHAEL invited LEE REPOSA to lead us in song and heard back “LEE’S not here.” So he moved on to CLARK ROSEN as the designated warbler who started us off with our traditional I’m a Rambler and finished off with God Bless America.


The “never thought-less,” PAUL LOUNIBOS, shared a child’s lesson as the Thought for the Day...we see evidence of God everywhere.

Visiting Rotarians included Noah Jacobson from Petaluma Sunrise. PRESIDENT MICHAEL, gracious as ever, asked Noah “how does it feel to be in a ’real’ club?” Very funny, PREZ...

Rotarians with Guests included JANE SALDAÑA-TALLEY, hosting SRJC’s President Frank Chong and the program presenter, Erin Magee; CHRIS RANNEY hosting Pat and Rene Hayes; ONITA PELLEGRINI hosting Chuck Isola; and JOANNE FERRIS, hosting Carly Thomas from St. Joseph’s Foundation (and a soon-to-be future member).


After club ‘hugs and smooches,’ PRESIDENT MICHAEL was approached by Board members CHRIS RANNEY and JANE SALDAÑA-TALLEY, who adorned him with attire befitting a Giants heckler . . .


. . . a Giants baseball cap, scarf, and orange pompom. The PREZ looks good in orange and black!


The former ice hockey fan was instructed to wave his pompom and shout “Let’s Go Giants!” every time someone in the room used the work “giant.” It worked for a while until we got tired of the game. Next time he pops off about our Giants, we won’t be so nice!


October is Rotary Foundation month and ONITA PELLEGRINI waved yellow Rotary Foundation Raffle tickets and encouraged us all to buy tickets to meet our “Every Rotarian, Every Year” commitment towards our Paul Harris pin. Check with ONITA to see where you stand on your Paul Harris progress.


JIM BECKER announced the World Community Services (and Travel) Committee would meet following the general meeting with special guests from Bangkok, Nit and Bob Anderson.


During the fine portion of the meeting, PRESIDENT MICHAEL picked up $100 from AL KAPLAN, who somehow managed to convince the Sausalito Yacht Club to let him in as a member (go figure); . . .


. . . GREG O’BRIEN, offered up $30 for being born on October 30th (Happy Birthday, GREG!);. . .


. . . and a bunch o’ members paid $5 or $10 to hear us sing Happy Birthday for being born some other day in October.


ELIAS HUSERY had to call on his attorney/sponsor, MIKE BADDELEY, who somehow failed to inform this new member that he needed to sit at the Birthday Table. Apparently, ignorance of the law is a finable offense, and maybe for the first time ever the lawyer paid the fine!


Big bucks ($225) and only a few rocks (4) were hanging on the day’s raffle and ONITA PELLEGRINI, made like the Giants and won big, avoiding the dreaded “nice bottle of wine.”


JANE SALDAÑA-TALLEY introduced guest speaker, Erin Magee, who is a six-time US National Freediving record holder. Her most recent record being 81m/266ft on a single breath.


Erin taught with Performance Freediving International for several years before opening her own school local to California, Pacific Coast Freediving. Erin showed a couple of videos that took our breath away and then mesmerized the club with details of her amazing sport. Great presentation, Erin! Not too often a presenter receives applause twice during a were terrific! For members who missed Erin’s presentation, go to the following website and YouTube videos to experience the thrill.

Erin’s Biography   YouTube: Record Dive   YouTube: Whale Fantasia

Thankfully, PRESIDENT MICHAEL’S parting comment was only to remind us that he will be out of the country for a couple of weeks and is leaving us in very good hands...TAWNY TESCONI on November 6th and GARY BRODIE on November 13th.

Don’t forget to VOTE on November 4!


This week’s Rota-Teller editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley.

October 23, 2014



October 30 - Erin Magee, Six-time National Women's Free Diving Champion
November 6 - Steve Hood, US Army (formerly Petaluma Police Chief) - Counterterrorism
November 13 - Corporal Zeus Rivera, Petaluma Police Dept, - Gangs in Petaluma
November 20 - Ingrid Alverde, Petaluma Economic Development Manager


More Info on Upcoming Programs



We are very fortunate to have great camaraderie, a beautiful setting and a delicious lunch at every meeting and this week was no different — a delicious roast pork with a mushroom/marsala sauce helped get the members ready for PRESIDENT MICHAEL CARUANA to ring the bell and call the meeting to order.


LEE REPOSA led us in song . . .


. . . and HENRY HANSEL gave a terrific Thought for the Day, filled with great baseball quotes that transcended the field and connected us all. There were several Rotarians with guests and we gave each one a hearty welcome.


The Fine Can made a brief appearance and RICK GORMAN recounted his horrific adventure of leading a camp of 6th graders deep into the woods. His voice trembled as he described the insanity of trying to get a group of boys to listen, follow orders, and hunt for dinner (not quite like that, more like heating water for instant ramen).


MIKE STAUBER gave us a re-cap of the Youth exchange BBQ which was attended by over 50 kids and counselors. He encouraged the Club members to participate in future activities and continue the long heritage of hosting/helping exchange students to experience life in Petaluma.


PRESIDENT MICHAEL CARUANA read a thank-you note from Giant Steps for our Club’s assistance and he reminded the Club of an upcoming SRJC Museum Open House on November 26th.


ONITA PELLIGRINI reminded us to participate in the Rotary Foundation Raffle, which also goes towards your Paul Harris pin. Please see her for more information — October is Paul Harris Foundation month.

Chris Elzi wins the raffle, takes home a bottle of wine.


DANNY FISH introduced our fabulous speaker, Jeff Schach, from the Petaluma Fire Department and his presentation on “Hands-only” CPR.


Our guest quickly corrected DANNY FISH, who referred to the method as “hands-free” CPR (eliminating any need to get your hands dirty).


Jeff did a great job of updating the Club on the latest techniques used by the Fire Department, including proper hands placement and an introduction on using an AED — Automated External Defibrillator.


He even rounded up some volunteers — STEVE GAVRILOFF and LEE REPOSA did a great job on the mannequin and BRIAN BREEN stood around looking panicked. There were additional materials on CPR classes available to members and the crowd thoroughly enjoyed Jeff’s presentation (and good—natured banter with DANNY FISH). Thank you, Jeff Schach.



For photos from the Rotary Social at Taps, click here.


This week’s Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo.

October 16, 2014



October 21 - Rotary Social at Taps, 5:30 - 7:00pm
October 23 - Jeff Schach, Petaluma Fire Dept., Hands-only CPR
October 30 - Erin Magee, Six-time National Women's Free Diving Champion
November 6 - Steve Hood, US Army (formerly Petaluma Police Chief) - Counterterrorism
November 13 - Corporal Zeus Rivera, Petaluma Police Dept, - Gangs in Petaluma


More Info on Upcoming Programs



President MICHAEL CARUANA called us to order and launched the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


BARNEY FAUSS led us in the club song, followed by “God Bless America” in a register that seemed to suit everyone well.


Always at the ready, President MICHAEL deftly pinch-hit for the missing-in-action ONITA PELLEGRINI to deliver a Thought for the Day, actually two nuggets of political and tax humor.


It wasn’t easy, but all managed to tear themselves away from the complimentary glasses of delicious Benovia Chardonnay and Pinot Noir long enough to greet one another with handshakes and hugs.


BILL GROVERMAN introduced his daughter Megan, who filled us in on the November 1st fundraising dinner for United Anglers and their remarkable fish hatchery and Adobe Creek restoration project at Casa Grande High School.

WALLY BRAGDON introduced his guest, Carla Thomas of Petaluma Valley Hospital.

President MICHAEL performed radical cashectomies on the following:


TAWNY TESCONI, for having successful runs of both the Sonoma County Fair and the Harvest Fair . . .


STEVE GAVRILOFF, for inflicting three generations of Gavriloffs on the deer population of Oregon . . .


TIM MORAN, for making us all jealous with the purchase of a home on 51 acres with river frontage in Missouri . . .


SHERRY BURWEN, for two trips -- one to New York City, where she enjoyed fine food, drink and entertainment, and the more memorable excursion to the Groverman pumpkin patch with grandkids . . .


and CLARK ROSEN, for a visit to Iowa, which looked like the Groverman corn maze on steroids.


SHERRY BURWEN will be enjoying a lovely bottle of Benovia wine with her pumpkin pie, as she was the lucky winner of the raffle and plucked a blue rock from the bag.


CHRIS RANNEY introduced guest speaker . . .


Bob Cooley, a longtime good friend of our club (and even more popular after his generous sharing of wines from Benovia) and lucky husband of Past President NANCY COOLEY. Bob delivered a very interesting and informative talk on wines in Sonoma County, drawing from his vast experience in the business, explaining the unique characteristics of our local wines and the opportunities and challenges facing producers.

President MICHAEL recognized those members observing wedding anniversaries in October, many having remarkably high numbers. Then, unwilling to let us escape without a final groan, our President reminded us that if we have seen one shopping center . . . we’ve seen a mall.

Surprise visitors from Bangkok: Nit and Bob Anderson.


This week’s Rota-Teller editor: Clark Rosen.

October 9, 2014



October 16 - Bob Cooley, VP Sales, Benovia Winery
October 21 - Rotary Social at Taps, 5:30 - 7:00pm
October 23 - Jeff Schach, Petaluma Fire Dept., Hands-only CPR
October 30 - Erin Magee, Six-time National Women's Free Diving Champion


More Info on Upcoming Programs



A packed house was welcomed to the Rotary Club of Petaluma weekly meeting at the beautiful Petaluma Golf and Country Club by our PRESIDENT, MICHAEL CARUANA.


We all joined THE PREZ in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by LEE REPOSA leading us in the club song followed by God Bless America.


JANE SALDAÑA-TALLEY gave the “baseball thought of the day” reflecting on the joy the Bay Area has received through the many years from the SF Giants.

This was followed by our usual hugs and handshakes.

We didn’t have any visiting Rotarians however SHARI RANNEY introduced her guest and PAST PRESIDENT DAN LIBARLE introduced his daughter, Phoebe Ellis. He also encouraged all of us to vote for Phoebe and PAST PRESIDENT MICHAEL BADDELEY for the Petaluma School Board.


For his Political Advertisement, PAST PRESIDENT DAN was fined by the PREZ but PAST PRESIDENT MICHAEL BADDELEY came in with his deep pockets and paid the $20 fine.


JUDI ALLEWELT announced the planning of the kid’s Christmas gift giving and that she needs help shopping, wrapping, and deliveries. Please sign up with her.


MIKE STAUBER announced the upcoming Youth Exchange Group BBQ at the Boys & Girls Clubhouse. He will need some help so please see him for more details.


PAST PRESIDENT MICHAEL BADDELEY called everyone’s attention to our own PRESIDENT breaking the law downtown earlier in the week. MR. BADDELEY said he saw PRESIDENT CARUANA on the Boulevard jaywalk and then bust a U-turn right in the middle of the street. For this bad behavior and in lieu of paying the fine that DANNY FISH would impose, the PREZ paid $25.


PAST PRESIDENT DAN LIBARLE was asked to give a long awaited craft talk. DAN has been a leading Rotarian for almost 50 years, he joined in 1965. He told some great stories about the past and emphasized that “attendance” was a must. This is what made our organization so great in the community. As Rotarians we could all do better in that area.


The raffle winner was WHIT HALL and he took home a bottle of wine.

Shari Ranney introduces our speaker.


Our speaker was Jim Carriere from ShelterBox. ShelterBox is an international organization that has partnered with Rotary to provide safe shelter for those who have been displaced from their homes due to some crisis.


With that, PRESIDENT CARUANA, reminded everyone of the upcoming Rotary Social at Taps October 21st. He wished everyone a great rest of the week and farewell until next week.


This week’s Rota-Teller editor: Brian Breen.

October 2, 2014



October 9 - Jim Carriere, ShelterBox
October 16 - Bob Cooley, VP Sales, Benovia Winery
October 21 - Rotary Social at Taps, 5:30 - 7:00pm
October 23 - Jeff Schach, Petaluma Fire Dept., Hands-only CPR
October 30 - Erin Magee, Six-time National Women's Free Diving Champion


More Info on Upcoming Programs



President MICHAEL CARUANA opened the first regular meeting of October at the appointed half hour and immediately led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, . . .


. . . followed by a rousing rendition of our Club theme song (Gypo) and God Bless America, led by LEE REPOSA.


Next, immediate Past-President RICK MOSSI (apparently filling in absentia for BILL GROVERMAN) delivered our Thought for the Day, followed by a hearty round of handshakes, hugs and busses amongst the members.

After an introduction of the guests of Rotarians, including MIKE BADDELEY’s daughter (Jordy), who graduated from UC Davis this past June, the Prez (apparently acting on behalf of JIM BECKER) introduced the Visiting Rotarians who joined us for lunch.


The Prez then went on to deliver, in staccato fashion, a series of announcements, including a reminder that the RI Foundation Dinner (South) will be on November 8, and the Festival of Brotherhood will be in January the Prez for details.


Shifting gears to matters of a a more pecuniary nature, the Prez fined KATHY O’CONNOR $50 for a publicity photo of her with “strange men”...Kathy gladly paid up in lieu of sharing any details!


GREG O’BRIEN was then fined $50 for a trip to France (with his wife, not any “strange men”), . . .


. . . which fine was voluntarily paid by Past-President KIP HERZOG because his wife (Marilyn) booked the trip!! Thanks, Kip, and welcome back Greg.


One of our newest members, ELIAS HUSARY, then delivered an insightful craft talk. Thanks, Elias, and we’re happy to have you in the Club!


MIKE STAUBER, one of PHS’s finest (Class of ’73), won the raffle wine, followed by the Prez’ introduction of our speaker (and his friend) . . .


. . . Bill Hawfield, of the Board Group, LLC, who gave us an interesting presentation on creating sustainable business value. Mr. Hawfield received a Rotary memento and a hearty round of applause for a program well received...and, if I know the Prez, probably a bill from the Club for the privilege of speaking to such an august group!

Now for your amusement, a Joke for the Day:

A rancher was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture in California when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust.

The driver, a young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, Ray-Ban sunglasses and a YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the rancher, “If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?”

The rancher looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, “Sure, why not?” The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Apple Macbook Pro computer, connects it to his iPhone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location, which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.

The yuppie then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, he receives an email on his iPad that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with email on his desktop Dell computer, and, after a few minutes, receives a response.

Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer, turns to the rancher and says, “You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves.” “That’s right, so I guess you can take one of them,” says the Rancher. He then watches the yuppie grab one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the yuppie stuffs it into the trunk of his car.

Then the rancher says to the young man, “Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my animal? ”The yuppie thinks about it for a second and then says, “Okay, why not?” “You’re a Congressman in the U.S. Government”, says the rancher.“Wow! That’s correct,” says the yuppie, “but how did you ever guess that?” “No guessing required,” answered the rancher, “You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are; and you obviously don’t know a thing about how working people make a living, or even about cows, for that matter. This is a herd of sheep. please let my dog out of your trunk and give him back to me!”


This week’s Rota-Teller editor: Mike Baddeley.


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