Rota-Teller Masthead

November 2016

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.


November 17, 2016



November 24 - Dark (Meat)...Happy Thanksgiving!
December 1 - Whit Hall, What a six-year old learns as a Pearl Harbor Survivor
December 8 - Dark for Holiday Party
December 9 - Holiday Party


More Info on Upcoming Programs



Once again, no bell, no gavel, no problem. PRESIDENT LEE rang an electronic bell and convened the meeting.


After the Pledge of Allegiance, our President called on RICK GORMAN to lead us in song. Rick didn’t know it at the time but this was to be his day.


MIKE BADDELEY was up next with the Thought for the Day. Recalling our recent electoral travails, he observed that the enemy is not conservatism, the enemy is not liberalism, the enemy is bullsh**.

There were no visiting Rotarians but several members had guests. SHERRY BURWEN introduced her husband Michael while CHAD FILLINGER and SHARI RANNEY introduced prospective members.


JUDI ALLEWELT announced that she had shopping well in hand for the Children’s gift distribution but was still seeking volunteers to help with gift wrapping. You’ll be hearing from ELIAS HUSARY on gift delivery before long.

Christmas wreath

KATHY O’CONNOR was not on hand to remind everyone that the Holiday Party is Friday, December 9 and yes, there will be food! It’s time to RSVP and you can do so at the Club website.


RICK MOSSI, continuing the tradition of our beloved HERB BUNDESEN, is seeking volunteer Salvation Army bellringers for a two-hour shift in front of Petaluma Market on December 7.


SHARI RANNEY announced that our Club is now a ShelterBox Hero for its commitment of $1,000 a year to ShelterBox for the years 2015 through 2017. She also announced that our January 26 program would be about New Gen Peacemakers in Argentina.


After a good show of hands PRESIDENT LEE announced that our traditional Friendship Feast would be on the Club calendar in the coming months of the new year.


Folks at the birthday table were assessed $5 fines while JUDI ALLEWELT, sitting elsewhere, was socked for $10.

Sitting at the birthday table and escaping fines (not November birthdays) were Chris Ranney and Rick Gorman.

We noted the following members celebrating November anniversaries: LEE REPOSA, TOM BRANDAL, MIKE BADDELEY, SHERRY BURWEN, JIM SYMONS, and RALPH SARTORI.


RICK GORMAN was back in the spotlight, this time to acknowledge his purchase of a new Nissan Frontier crew cab pickup. Despite pleas that he bought it only because his old vehicle would no longer go into reverse, he ending up paying a $50 fine.


Arriving late, but as ebullient as ever, KATHY O’CONNOR apologized for the missing date (Friday, December 9) on the Holiday Party invitation and provided additional information about the gala event. The fabulous Bill Bly is a musician, not a DJ. The party will be in the Hermann Sons Hall back room which has a great bar. The buffet dinner will include tri-tip and salmon. And yes, you can RSVP on line!

KATHY was full of news with two more announcements. (1) The cancer-afflicted Boy Scout we learned of some weeks ago is doing well. (2) The Redwood Café is holding a benefit tonight for starving SSU students.


Club Secretary GAIL CARDAROPOLI proudly announced that her grandson would be attending Long Beach State University and paid a $50 fine for the privilege.


RICK GORMAN (yes, that Rick Gorman) held the winning raffle ticket and ended up with a fine bottle of Cline Cellars wine.


MICHAEL CARUANA introduced our guest speaker, noting that the speaker was an unusual individual whose brain was developed on both the left and right side.


Steve Rustad of Petaluma-based Sonoma Coast Trauma Treatment explained how his not-for-profit 501(c)(3) public foundation was assisting military veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Injury (PTSI) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Long-time Rotarians will remember Steve as a very special member. He was our Club Cartoonist and produced a weekly cartoon published in the Rota-Teller. We’ve saved them and you can see them here.

No meeting next Thursday; it’s Thanksgiving. Hope you have a happy one.


This week’s Editor: Al Cattalini

November 10, 2016



November 17 - A Veterans Day Program: Guest Speaker, Steve Rudstadt, Sonoma Coast Trauma Treatment Program in Petaluma
November 24 - Dark (Meat)...Happy Thanksgiving!
December 1 - Whit Hall, What a six-year old learns as a Pearl Harbor Survivor
December 8 - Dark for Holiday Party
December 9 - Holiday Party


More Info on Upcoming Programs



Quicker than you can say battleground states, President LEE REPOSA opened our regular luncheon meeting at the appointed half hour to the tune of Hells Bells (AC/DC), and immediately led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, . . .


. . . followed by a heartfelt rendition of God Bless America by Past-President DAN LIBARLE!


A post-presidential election Thought for the Day was delivered by GREG O’BRIEN, followed by the customary handshakes, hugs and busses amongst members in a bipartisan show of support and solidarity across the aisle.


Next, all of the guests of Rotarians who joined us for lunch were introduced without a recount, including RICK GORMAN, Past-President JOANNE FERRIS and President-Elect CHRIS RANNEY’s guests. BRIAN BREEN then took a poll and gave us a status report on the upcoming Super Raffle and Crab Feed (Feb. 24), which is our Club’s major campaign fundraiser. Call Brian or RICK GORMAN if you would like to be a captain of one of the ticket sales team (remember, there will be a big prize for the winning team…and the winning ticket).


President-Elect CHRIS RANNEY then gave us an update on the Miracle League project, and confirmed that our Club is a sponsor, with $10,000.00 earmarked for the project by executive order.


Like voter registration gone wild, JUDI ALLEWELT reminded one and all to sign for the Club’s Annual Holiday Gift Giving event if you would like to help, whether as a shopper (Nov. 28-29 @ K-Mart), present wrapper (Dec. 3 @ Judi’s office), or gift giver (Dec. 15). Go on-line to sign up, or call Judi for further details.


Speaking of the Holidays, JUDY McREYNOLDS, acting in the place and stead of Holiday Party Chair KATHY O’CONNOR, gave us a reminder that our annual Club Holiday Party is on Dec. 9 @ Hermann Sons Hall…invitations by snail mail will be forthcoming (much better than more campaign flyers, right)! The Prez then announced that the upcoming SCARC meeting for November is being hosted by the Santa Rosa East Rotary Club on November 17 at Cattlemen’s Restaurant in Montgomery Village…let the Prez or GAIL CARDAROPOLI know ASAP if you will be attending with the rest of their cabinet.


The Prez then implored upon us to find out what Club committees we are on, and let the assigned Club chair of each committee know if you want to be on that committee (you can also notify the Club Secretary as to any committees you would like to be assigned to, now or in the future)…frankly, I would suggest the House Ways and Means Committee!! To promote this undertaking, the Prez called your humble editor (Past-President MIKE BADDELEY) on the carpet to recite his committee assignments…after mentioning a couple (Bulletin, Debunking), I confessed I did not know all of them, but assured the Prez that if there was an Impeachment Committee I would be happy to chair it!!


To bolster his point, the Prez then summarily fined political pundit CHRIS ELZI $20 for having no idea that he was the Chairman (and sole member, to boot) of the coveted WDSR (Weekly Duties Schedule and Reminders) Committee…and had been so for the past three (3) years! But at least he understands the Electoral College!


Weep not for Chris though, as no sooner had he paid his fine, he produced the winning raffle ticket, which was good for a nice bottle of wine…and Lord knows, we need more whine in politics, right!


JOANNE FERRIS then introduced our speaker, Ms. Vanessa Bergamo, the Community Resource Manager for PEP Housing, who gave us a very informative presentation on the various PEP projects and programs. Whereupon, the Prez, apparently believing that all votes count, but none more than his, adjourned the meeting!!


Joke of the Week

The Compassionate Congressman

One afternoon the local Congressman was riding in his limousine around his District when he saw two men along the road eating grass. Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.

He asked one man, Why are you eating grass?

We don’t have jobs or any money for food, the poor man replied. So, we have to eat grass.

Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I’ll feed you, the Congressman said.

But sir, I have my wife and two children with me. They are all over there, under that tree.

Bring them along, as well the Congressman insisted. Turning to the other poor man he beckoned, You come with us also, and bring your family too.

They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine. Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the Congressman and said, Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you.

The Congressman smiled and replied, Glad to do it. You’ll really love my place. The grass is almost a foot high.


This week’s Editor: Mike Baddeley

November 3, 2016



November 10 - Vanessa Bergamo, PEP Housing: Building Community From The Heart
November 17 - A Veterans Day Program: Guest Speaker, Steve Rudstadt, Sonoma Coast Trauma Treatment Program in Petaluma
November 24 - Dark (Meat)...Happy Thanksgiving!


More Info on Upcoming Programs



Our meeting this week wasn’t really a meeting at all. It was a Club Social at Barber Cellars, a neat wine bar and tasting room tucked into a corner of the Petaluma Hotel.


PRESIDENT LEE did give us 30 seconds of oratory but there was no bell (or gong . . . or whatever), no pledge, no song, no fines, no raffle, and no program. What there was, however, was lots of great local sauvignon blanc, zinfandel, and cabernet sauvignon, lots of salametti and prosciutto, local artisan cheeses, and an unending supply of gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches.


There was still food left when the social ended. It was a fun evening with lots of conversation to accompany the food and wine. If you attended, you’ll surely put it on your list for a return visit. If you missed the event, plan to stop by for a sip and a snack. Barber Cellars is open Wednesday through Sunday, noon to 6pm Wednesdays and Sundays, and noon to 8pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Visit their website for more information. (Be sure to read about their single-malt rye whiskey!)

We’ve got lots of photos from the social. To view them, just click here.


This week’s Editor: Al Cattalini


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