The Rotary Club of Petaluma

A Message from Jeannette Clark

President, 2000-2001

Jeannette Clark

Welcome to our new web site for the Rotary Club of Petaluma. What a change since 1923, our Charter Year! Taking advantage of this new technology can facilitate our communication of Rotary's main message: "Service Above Self"

Our club has always been very active in our Petaluma community. But last year we took on an international project in Mulege, Baja California. It was very successful and we have made plans to extend this worthwhile project.

Our principal community project for the past two years, concluding this year, is a restoration of McNear Park. We have joined with the city, a neighborhood association, and Mother's Group to complete the upgrade of the playground, picnic area and the park itself.

We continue to work on our Literacy Program within the schools, distributing a dictionary to every third grader. Our giving of clothing and toys to less fortunate children each Christmas is a continuing tradition of our club.

If this interests you and you want more information about our club, contact me or my Secretary, Steve Olmsted. The more you give to a community, the more you benefit.

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